End of Spring Break, kind of! I dropped Shiranne off at SFO early this morning, and her plane in JFK just took off for Tel Aviv. Goodbyes were less tearful than usual, probably because I’m so dead set on Israel at this point that it’s just like we’re taking time off from being together, which… Continue reading Shiranne Gone
Awesomelinks #54
Kings of Power 4 Billion % Kings of Power 4 Billion % Kings of Power 4 Billion % Kings of Power 4 Billion % Kings of Power 4 Billion % Kings of Power 4 Billion %
Spring so far
Thought I’d give y’all an update on what the haps are. I finished my final projects and tests early last week. Turned in a final paper about Facebook’s Photos and Events application linkage, phonemic alternation in Mandarin, and took a test on data structures. The next morning I woke up bright and early to haul… Continue reading Spring so far
Santa Cruz
Heyyyy Santa Cruz kids. I will be in Santa Cruz with Shiranne from Wednesday afternoon to Friday morning! On Wednesday night we’re going to the Catalyst to see Explosions in the Sky. Afterwards I believe I’m crashing at Nico’s apartment. Thursday, we’ll be goin’ around and saying hello to people. Friday, Tree 9 maybe??!! I’m… Continue reading Santa Cruz
Awesomelinks #53
Knytt, a small, beautiful platforming game. Star Wars IV in cardboard. Sci-fi movie physics report card. High school progression. DeLorean. Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve.
Hot dang
That was successful! I threw a goodbye party at my apartment last night. Bought about $150 worth of snacks, drinks, and pizza; set up the place for a giant helping of Brawl (and some DDR) but also other rooms for things other than Brawl (you know, like, conversation); made the apartment clean as a whistle… Continue reading Hot dang
Awesomelinks #52
Away. The Leningrad Cowboys and the Red Army Choir. Dancing walrus. Polimon. Dog vs. balloons. Neck and neck with Obama for “most badass person in the world.”
Awesomelinks #51
No. Spinning Korean. Cosplay. Tank destruction. London terrorism poster remixes. Safe for work.
Funeral was intensely pleasant. Saw family and friends I was long overdue to see, shared good stories, and presented what is now basically a shrine to my stepmom – our house. It’s full of cards, flowers, and laptops showing Betty slideshows – that’s temporary – but the pictures, her furniture, her books, her decorations, her… Continue reading Home
Funeral Funhouse
Hello Internet friends, new and old. Today I am heading home to San Rafael for the weekend and totally paying tribute to my stepmom. Will be seeing my uncle, cousins, Betty’s family, family friends, etc. Certainly nice to see all of them after so much time. But today also marks Part 1 of Get The… Continue reading Funeral Funhouse