Ōban Star-Racers

http://www.savtheworld.com/eng/oban_trailer.php3 (requires Real Alternative) I’ve been following Ōban Star-Racers (or Molly, Star-Racer) for 5 years now, and it’s finally getting here… the only major change is that the characters aren’t cel-shaded anymore! Pretty fascinating that they’d do away with that plan. That’s probably why it took 8 years to make it, since they probably needed… Continue reading Ōban Star-Racers

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my god man

I realized recently that I’m reaching the big 200. In POUNDS. I’ve been totally freaked out recently when I’ve had to buy pants that are inches past what I usually wear and I haven’t been able to fit into some of my old fancier stuff. All this while being told I don’t look any heavier.… Continue reading my god man

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Dammit Pirated copy of OSX 10.4.3 that I spent a long time to get working! How dare you not work in my laptop’s native 1440×900 resolution? And then for the final blow, you decide not to stand by when I close the case! Man you’d think that pre-release pirated cracked unsupported software would work reliably!… Continue reading Wargh

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Entry barrage #3

I’m thinking of starting a new site: dumbjournal.com Dumbjournal would be the place where people can post public entries from LiveJournal that they feel are especially stupid in one way or another. They’d be put into categories, things like: drunk, cheerleader, emo, punk, suicidal, inept, etc. People could rate them on how stupid they are.… Continue reading Entry barrage #3

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Entry barrage #2

I actually like the way the Porter Quad looks now. Looks like a demolition zone. There are giant holes in the ground where people once stood and conversed. Giant cranes lifting enormous poles, trucks all over the place, jackhammers, people standing in horror as their favorite landmark is soiled by reconstruction.

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Entry barrage #1

Whoever said California has only one season surely must not have a hypothalamus.

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I’m playing this game a lot like Cave Story (Doukutsu Mongatari) in that it’s a small, free, pixely action/adventure game. You play this guy named Lyle whose kitty was stolen and he has to throw blocks at bad guys to get him back. It’s really cute, very fun, and pretty difficult. I made some fanart… Continue reading LYLE IN CUBE SECTOR!!!

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It’s been 250 years since music was ruined forever.

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Website broked

If anyone ever happens to come upon www.jeffreyatw.com, don’t get your hopes up about CAR returning – it’s just a hosting problem. The server that hosts my site was power-cycled a buttload of times and it screwed up data on a bunch of RAID drives, so my stuff that I didn’t back up might be… Continue reading Website broked

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