
For some reason, this picture REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY scares me. Especially when I saw it on my desktop. Hoo. This comic is about me, now that I think about it. People in the RPG World forum were complaining about their desire for this one shirt that was made up in the comic –… Continue reading Untitled

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I’m trying to get people to come back to the Swamp, by reopening old sections jam-packed with sentimental value, and by trying to contribute as much as I can. (Given I’m playing CT-PSX in most of my free time, that’s how much I can do.) For those of you who only visit here (I’m probably… Continue reading Untitled

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I spent all morning doing an SAT diagnostic test. It’s about 3 hours long, and is rather difficult. In about half an hour, I’ll be having a math tutor from Ivy West coming over and “diagnosing” me. Oy oy oy. All this SAT stuff makes me feel like I have no free time, although this… Continue reading Untitled

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Snore. I’m at Kinko’s right now, downloading a whole buttload of huge files onto their HD for temporary use. Why? Because I needed a Mac. No one I’m friends with has a Mac. No organization has a Mac to spare. But having to pay $12 an hour for Mac usage is not much for a… Continue reading Untitled

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Updates to this site will be in red. For example, I have added the About section, and changed the Midi section a little. I just came back from a sleepover with my unit in camp, Aleph. I am a CIT (Counselor in Training) for the summer day camp at the OMJCC (Osher Marin Jewish Community… Continue reading Untitled

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Hello. My name is Jeffrey Faden. I’d rather not fully introduce myself here… instead, you’ll find out about me within my web logs that I will write here in the future. I’ve finished the basic design for my site, with two pages up… the home page and the Midi page. And about the name: this… Continue reading Untitled

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