I am planning on moving from Seattle to San Rafael! So here’s my deal. I am flying twice to California this month. Once for Betty’s funeral (next weekend), and once for spring break (on the 19th). Both times I expect to fill two suitcases with ITEMS. That might take care of something like half of… Continue reading Movin'
Author: JeffreyATW
So fake tans have been all the rage for a while but I’m starting to see a new trend: FAKE fake tans. Where the person is so Oompa-Loompa that they look like they’ve come off of a rotisserie. Not just on those crazy New Jersey guys, but on girls, too. I just want to ask… Continue reading Tans
Protected: Decision
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Should I do it.
Next quarter is academically weird. I’m only taking one three-credit class, and auditing another one. Overall, it’s 4 hours of instruction per week, and probably the same amount of outside-of-class work. That will leave me a LOT of time to do… something else, I guess. Hopefully get a job. But I’m having some second thoughts… Continue reading Should I do it.
Eclipse from Seattle: Eclipse from Israel:
I am getting worried that people are getting carried away with how much things “win” or “fail.” Now we’re onto “epic” results, but I fear that might not be enough and people will start bashing their heads in to show how much some random trifles win or fail. (Also, I barely ever see “lose” and… Continue reading Worry
Awesomelinks #50
Meat paintings. Deer tool. Improvised comic by Emmy. Terrible CNN Headlines. The Spidermans. Lions and tigers and horses.
1. Comment here and I’ll pick one of your LJ interests and draw a picture using the mighty MS Paint. STEPS 2 and 3 SUCKED SO I DIDN’T INCLUDE THEM hint: filenames are picked interest
My stepmom died early this morning. My sister’s blog has an obituary.
Prestidigitation Hey, it’s a song! Sort of final-bossy, also sort of onoken-y and TaQ-y. Brian says it’s F-Zero-Anime-y but I’ve never watched that BRIAN INFORMS ME NO SUCH THING EXISTS AND I AM PUTTING WORDS INTO HIS MOUTH!!! I THINK I WILL ALSO INCLUDE MY FIST. This is the first song I’ve finished since last… Continue reading Songo