I am no longer going to be posting Awesomelinks on my journal! My LJ has always been, first and foremost, a journal. So Awesomelinks will now be posted to my Facebook. Friend me if you haven’t! edit They’re here now
Japan trip details
Shiranne and I will be going on a vacation to Japan from October 12 to November 3. During that time, we’ll be staying in the following areas. We’ve got a few schedule constraints because of Jewish holidays, but hey that’s cool: October 12 – 14: Minato, Tokyo We’ll be near Chabad Tokyo and celebrating Sukkot.… Continue reading Japan trip details
Awesomelinks #67
Lookit dat dawg!!! Excited teapot. Filled-in country maps. My ankles are broke. Bear Creek Apartments. Digsby, the best IM client (Windows only for now).
Present for Paolo
I got Paolo 3200 Xbox Live points.
CAR’S BACK car_comic Updates M/W/F!
Awesomelinks #66
Who I Am and What I Want. Lyrebird. Paper roll methods. 8/8/08, 8:08, 8lbs, 8oz Biplane wedding. Cursor*10.
Some Zombie images
CIMG3031Originally uploaded by rhiannoncharisse Eat Brains_0086Originally uploaded by extramatic IMG_3912.jpgOriginally uploaded by anmoyunos Zombies!Originally uploaded by damnstraight79 CIMG2992Originally uploaded by rhiannoncharisse GGGGRRRRAAAAIIIINNNNSSSS!!!
Jeffrey come on!
What have you been doing besides posting dumb links to Internet things and looking at pictures of yourself!!! Well as you can see from a few posts back, I now own a brand-new Toyota Prius. It just passed the 1k mile mark. I’m so proud. <:) I am totally tryin some of that hypermiling nonsense,… Continue reading Jeffrey come on!
Awesomelinks #65
Lookit dat dawg. Lookit dat car. Dinosaur. Bert and Ernie rap. Malwebolence. Customized RSS feed for album releases from your favorite artists.
Everyday Update
On Vimeo, because YouTube has failed me. (such horrible encoding quality) SWF version: http://www.jeffreyatw.com/photos/daily/daily.swf Directory of images: http://www.jeffreyatw.com/photos/daily/