Broke some more bones!

Thought I’d give the longer story here since so many people are curious. Didn’t get hit by a car this time, but it happened on my bike. I hung a reusable bag on my handlebars and put my U-lock in it, and while riding down a hill the bag swung into my front tire and… Continue reading Broke some more bones!

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Lost In the Internet

(Originally written in 1996.) “It’s coming down on me! It’s, it’s- AHHHH!!!-” I woke up. I was gasping. I looked at my clock. “8:45!? I’m late for school!” Before I knew it, I was out the door running. My school is Weibel. I’m in 5th grade! My teacher is Mrs. Locklan. As I opened the… Continue reading Lost In the Internet

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Yearly Meme #9

Still doing this thing! Last year’s answers. 1. What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before? Went to a Catholic funeral, moved in with my girlfriend. 2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Last year I resolved to lose weight and move out… Continue reading Yearly Meme #9

Fandom: for those who don't know the answer to "where do you get your ideas from"

The concept of fandom actually bothers me a bit — it seems like describing yourself as a member of a “fandom” means you’re more invested in the community that has grown around a given thing than you are in the thing itself. And while I can appreciate the sense of community and enrichment that being… Continue reading Fandom: for those who don't know the answer to "where do you get your ideas from"

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Oh, hello. Welcome to Jeffrey’s Internet Etiquette Soapbox, where I passive-aggressively explain to you how obnoxious you are based on the trivial actions you take on a trivial social network! Retweeting when someone replies to you with a compliment The cardinal sin. There is no reason anyone would be at all interested in what some… Continue reading Twetiquette