So here’s the facts, yak: I need to take a Data Structures class by the winter I can’t take it during the summer because I am going to Israel from July 8 to 29 I can’t take it at Seattle’s community colleges in the fall because it conflicts with a grad class I need to… Continue reading Okay, my academic situation
JeffreyAtW Vlog 96– Rippin’ a Hybrid CD. – Hybrid! – 4-day weekend. – Graduation approacheth.
Awesomelinks #19
Note: the following 5 links only work in the US as of now. Google Maps Lombard Street panorama! Google Maps World Trace Center panorama! Google Maps Las Vegas Strip panorama! Google Maps driving into a building panorama! Google Maps driving into a time warp panorama! Microsoft’s new product: a table!
JeffreyAtW Vlog 95– Drove back. – Ate at this diner on the summit. – Made this nice logo. – Totally worked on my foot. – No classes tomorrow!!??!!
Awesomelinks #18
A few old ads. Elephant on the edge. Rimshot to the extreme (yes I know this is probably fake) This is some Doctor Evil shit. Ugh, Something Awful was at Fanime. That’s worse than 4chan (JUST KIDDING, NOTHING IS WORSE THAN 4CHAN)
JeffreyAtW Vlog 94– I fucked up the audio on this twice! – Mellow day at Fanime – Ate some pitas – Ate some Korean BBQ – Watched some Planet Earth – Played some Wii
JeffreyAtW Vlog 93– Fanime hallway. – The Glomp. – Football uniform. – Paolo’s party was fun! I puked. – Went to some panels. – Talking about music that you obviously can’t hear.
JeffreyAtW Vlog 92– Walking around Fanime. – This video is out of chronological order: 1 3 2
Awesomelinks #17
Man with 700 snakes arrested at airport. You just can’t make these things up… oh wait Creation Wins!!! the worst science experiment ever. A food joint which must be in some other country. Fred Savage. Watch the Oprah part. fiff.
JeffreyAtW Vlog 91– This assignment is killer. – Fanime tomorrow!