I made a new design for CAR. For easier access ( just type “car” at the end of url), I changed the defunct “va” link to “car” because I’m proud of it and because Bryan’s bitch complained. 😀
Working again, eh.
With every word, I get even happier. It’s how life should be. I have written so much stuff recently. I’ve been improving on my college essay (I chose that Garfield one), I’ve been writing my mind in school through every assignment, I’ve started to write long heartfelt messages to my friends, and above that, I’m… Continue reading Working again, eh.
Everyone‘s sites are down because of restrictions. I love you, FreeBoost.
Today’s CAR stars Omid, who we’ve mentioned multiple times before because of his annoying catchphrases. Although he’s probably the most distinguishable character of them all, it’s really weird – he’s the hardest to draw. I often succeed in drawing accurate representations of my characters through clever placement of lines for eyes, but Omid, for some… Continue reading Ouch
http://www.jeffreyatw.com/images/winner.gif – The banner for this site that I just made. New Ordeals – Because Indo told me to and because his charset is KCISKESARRSE. Also, I’ll be updating the Links page now.
I completely automated Movable Type to handle my comic. That means that I have on my hands an even better automated comic service than Keenspace, complete with comments for each comic, easier dates, and effortless image uploading. I don’t have to wait on no queue either, and there will be no downtime. I am a… Continue reading Whoa.
James:Your mom was pretty good for her first time. Hannah: Who? James: Your MOM. Me: OWNED. OWNED FURTHER. — Thanks soy for STEALING MY IDEA BLARGH HEHA! Okay so Hannah called me up and said she wanted to go to the arcade to play that damn dancing game, and then Bryan IMed me up and… Continue reading OWNED!!!
Okay. No more comics without a separate page. I swear.
CAR #5
Yeah, yeah, I know… separate site soon
CAR #4