Dammit, I pick the stupidest times to blog. I’ve only got 5 minutes to write this stupid thing. Well, on Friday I went out for Chinese and DDR. I won a few catas, whoop dee doo. People have stopped caring, believe it or not. But the Chinese food was really good. We ate at Pier… Continue reading Okay
Bob Celebrity is a Compensated Endorser
Both DDR Extreme and my RedOctane pad arrived at about the same time, it seems. I went to the arcade before I went home today, though, and DDR Extreme was finished being installed and turned on about the time that I got there. Despite two scary (unintended) freezes in the middle of two songs, it… Continue reading Bob Celebrity is a Compensated Endorser
ARE YOU READY!~!! I decided to have a full-on race royal with three amazing DDR contraptions that will soon be arriving in Marin. CONTESTANT 1: DDR Extreme. Destination: Starbase #1 Arcade. CONTESTANT 2: RedOctane Ignition 2.0 Dance Pad. Destination: My house. CONTESTANT 3: The second DDR arcade machine in Marin. Destination: The Northgate Mall (4… Continue reading THE RACE
I have reached the end of the internet.
Once freaking AGAIN. I guess winter vacation ended just in time. I have found myself in the computer lab with nowhere to go. No Something Awful, no Newgrounds, no nothing. I guess I’ll have to go up against the last boss of the internet.
Best Way To Wake Up Ever
That is, without any dirty connotations… On a day where you’d like to wake up relatively early, yet you enjoy sleeping in – here’s a great way to experience that “going back to bed right after waking up” feeling, and still wake up pretty early. You’ve got an alarm clock, of course. And if you’ve… Continue reading Best Way To Wake Up Ever
A definite night about which one should blog
There are no prepositions that you should end a sentence with. 😀 I woke up at high noon today. I wouldn’t say that’s a record, but even on a holiday, I should be doing something more productive, like making comics or designing webpages… or something. I woke up to discover that I had lost my… Continue reading A definite night about which one should blog
It's Been a Productive Day!
I’ve finished a remix of Big Tsu’s Turnover (+lyrics!), and it sounds pretty sweet. But I won’t publicly release it just yet. I have big plans for it, uwee hee hee. But here’s something I will release: my first completed DDR song! I’ve made steps to One Winged Angel, and you can play it on… Continue reading It's Been a Productive Day!
I guess I'll just have to blog.
Been a busy winter break. I guess I’ll start with Christmas. The whole gang was here. My stepbrother Jason visits for holidays, so he was here in all his Down’s syndrome glory. We usually go out to fancy restaurants when he’s around. For Christmas, I got a Dell Axim X5, a TI GRAPH-LINK, a Comic… Continue reading I guess I'll just have to blog.
Should I be flaunting this?
When I still lived in Fremont, we often went to this arcade in Milpitas, the name escapes me… it was medieval-themed. They had a pretty good-size arcade there, and there’s one game that I remember… it was called SegaSonic Arcade. I’ve done some research on the game, and most people claim that it never saw… Continue reading Should I be flaunting this?
I am a genius.