I’m probably missing something, like the time that someone asked me in 5th grade whether I liked Smashing Pumpkins and I said that I preferred making jack-o’-lanterns instead, but a year or two ago, someone put stickers that say “I LOVE YOU” all around the UCSC campus. I don’t know why, but it makes me… Continue reading Awww.
Commie got OWNED
I’m really open to new ideas. I mean, seriously. I signed up for updates and news about a Christian group on campus, and I’m non-religious, not to mention from Jewish heritage. But this girl just passed by my open door and tried selling me a subscription to a Marxist campus newsletter, and as I took… Continue reading Commie got OWNED
Okay. I was going to make a really big blog entry detailing each day of my wilderness orientation trip, but I’m having way too much fun here to spend any time doing that. Basically, we backpacked every day, went rock climbing, ascended heights of 11,000 feet above sea level, and bonded really well. It was… Continue reading I HAVE FAILED YOU!
Farewell until 9/20
Well guys, I’m leaving on the UCSC Wilderness Orientation tomorrow, and I’ll be back on the 20th, setting up my stuff in my dorm room. It’s not any longer than just a regular vacation, and I’ve certainly said my goodbyes, so I’ll be back soon enough. JA.
Conrad says I'm emo.
I remained very emotional throughout the day. Very sad and very happy. It felt really, really good. I feel as if I mostly got it out of my system. But to top it off, I’ll post my first bit of song lyrics ever in my blog. It’s only fitting. And as the summer’s ending, The… Continue reading Conrad says I'm emo.
I’m still emotional. I don’t remember ever having a feeling of anger or sadness or happiness follow me overnight. Geez, how much has changed. Cleaning out my room. I’m getting down to the stuff I don’t know how to throw away. It’s not the sentimental stuff – it’s more the little odds and ends, the… Continue reading Cleaning
Another CAR Ending
Yes, I’ve ended CAR again for a while. Please don’t think that it comes as some sort of shock. I’m leaving for vacation into the sierras next week and after that, college starts, and I’m not sure what my situation will be then. Besides, CAR is more like my journal comic than anything else, and… Continue reading Another CAR Ending
Cookie fortune from fortune cookie.
I tried scanning this about two weeks ago when I got it, but you know how that is with HP scanners.
Gawrsh, this week has been slow and not moving fast. A big “screw you” to everyone already in school. I’m so jealous. I’m feeling better than I did a while ago, so yet again I can’t poop out a good helping of fresh squeezed angst, but today was sort of a downer. No real social… Continue reading SO LONELY.