
I’m still emotional. I don’t remember ever having a feeling of anger or sadness or happiness follow me overnight. Geez, how much has changed.
Cleaning out my room. I’m getting down to the stuff I don’t know how to throw away. It’s not the sentimental stuff – it’s more the little odds and ends, the little toys that made it to the bottom of my stuff drawer. It’s all really hard to sort out.
And all in the middle of these little bouts of nostalgia, I’m trying to catch up on Grace’s journal before it goes away. I’m trying to understand things.
My dad gave me an old bathrobe of his today. It’s pretty fucking sweet. I might just wear it around today since it’s so comfortable and warm. Instead of just saying “uh, okay, it’s a hand-me-down, I guess I’ll use it,” I was happy and very thankful. I saw it as a big gift, not just like a necessity.


  1. Wow, all too familiar..
    “I don’t remember ever having a feeling of anger or sadness or happiness follow me overnight.”
    Hadn’t happened to me in a while either until last night…
    I so wish I’d written a sort of farewell during the final packing days, but I was too emotional at the time as well. Reading these latest posts is like rewinding a couple weeks back and watching myself go through the final motions…hang in there, it gets better after you settle in the dorm for a couple days. =\
    I really like that bathrobe paragraph, btw.

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