Old emails

Damn I have used my LJ in the past month more than I have all last year. I guess I’m REALLY BORED. So bored, in fact, that I will now share with you some ancient emails that are sitting in my Hotmail folders, titled "Important Stuff", "Cool Stuff", and "Family and Friends". I made these… Continue reading Old emails

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Jeffrey: carl and ellie cant be in the same world as andy because they are more cartoony than andy Jeffrey: i refuse to believe it…… Anna: what will it take you to believe? Anna: a wizard? Anna: I can get you a wizard Jeffrey: FETCH ME A WIZARD! Jeffrey: ONLY THE FINEST WIZARDS, CLAD IN… Continue reading Magic.

jeffreyatw.com v13

After a few years of my site sitting around and doing nothing, I decided I’d have it continue to sit around and do nothing… IN STYLE! I made my site all HTML5 and CSS3-ey by using more semantic elements and some nice gradient and shadow stuff. The site looks best in Chrome, but degrades gracefully… Continue reading jeffreyatw.com v13


I have a job now and the mandated 30-day silence period has ended, so here’s this post! I was fired from Linden Lab last week. Basically, some goons were banned, other goons asked me why they were banned, I asked coworkers and attempted to discover in our internal issue tracking system why they were banned,… Continue reading Fired