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Author: JeffreyATW
I never used to have allergies. In fact, my entire immune system – in fact, my entire bodily system – has been graced with the best luck. I’ve really never experienced any common “irregularity,” like cavities, broken bones, ADD-type mental disorders, or any real sort of disease besides the common cold… but finally someone up… Continue reading Allergies.
Mind dump! No coherency here. I just watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: the Movie for the first time, and I really enjoyed it. It was shown out in the lower quad at Porter College, which is simply a big square of grass, with the video being projected on the side of a classroom building. We… Continue reading Untitled
YUO THOT ID MISS PANTS DAY BUT YOU ARE WERE WRONED! DANCE MINIONS DANCE It was a really uneventful pants day because I wore shorts and slept most of the time because I’m sick so I don’t have any crazy times to convey. 🙁
Hey guys!
I’m back from vacation! The internet was down from 7PM to 10PM today, because of problems over at Resnet. What did I miss?
Post a comment of me in the memories. It can want anything you be. Then journal this to your post and remember what people see of you. You get the idea, I’m just being hilarious. This goes for internet people too. Like, where you met me… on the internet. and what I was doing. oh… Continue reading Untitled
You know, the Japanese word for “construction worker” is “daiku.” Does that mean that any girl who works in a construction zone is a dyke?
I wrote a eurobeat song since I’ve been listening to it a lot, since it keeps popping up on my fucking iTunes library because I fucking have so many fucking DDR fucking MP3s fucking. Super Go Ecstasy by Tom Peterson Rushing for freedom Burning desire Burning freedom for rushing desire tonight I want to go… Continue reading EUROBEAT GO!
Tomorrow’s April 20th. April 20th at PORTER COLLEGE. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh shit.
The Porter dining hall is a fun place. The food is okay, but the service is awesome. All the people that work there are very charismatic, and nice people. Our comment board is constantly filled up with fancy quips from the students, and even fancier replies from the head chef. It’s fun to eat there.… Continue reading Freewrite?