YEE-HAW. My future career. I might be a tenor… alto if I eat well. Dirty pictures gone non-dirty. Designing Women. Happyvase. Usavich, this awesome Japanese animated miniseries about Russian rabbits in jail… or something.
I need to plan a party this year. Because I want to see people who I haven’t seen in a while and I also haven’t had a birthday party at home for a while. Two years to be exact. Days that I can have the party: December 17 – 19 December 21 – 23 December… Continue reading BIRTH
Music nerdry
My favorite thing in the entire universe is the bass’s two half steps down to the subdominant (-3:53) and to the tonic (-3:40) in the main chord progression of “A Whiter Shade of Pale.”
Song Meme from chickensnack!
Hello! Here is a sampler of 30 random songs from my iPod, about 10 seconds each. Guess the artist and title of each track! One or the other will give you half a point. Google is discouraged. Listen here??? Comments will be screened but I will keep score of everyone! SCORE: regularryan: 4 points chickensnack:… Continue reading Song Meme from chickensnack!
Protected: Wealth
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More holiday wishlist things.
A litter box. Cat food. A scratching post. Various cat toys. Other housetraining things. Cat cushions. Brushes. A cat crate. A gift cert for license fees. Catnip??? That’s right! I’m doing it! I’M GETTING THE HUMAN-TO-FELINE OPERATION! that or i could be adopting a cat next year i dunno
Awesomelinks #41
Zero-gravity water. I love symbols. Jaws. Voice-activated blender. (Be sure to watch the video.) A MIDI medley with an entertaining piano roll. Funny but serious paper on copyright. (Download the PDF and start at pg. 7)
Summa dat update
Let’s recap on what’s happening! HELLO FUTURE ME! THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING. Hello everyone else from the present, too. Well my first quarter as a grad student is winding on down. The catch is I have only really been taking one 3-credit grad class. The other two classes are at North Seattle Community College… Continue reading Summa dat update
Things what I want for Holidays
– A long winter coat – An Apple Keyboard – A spare set of iPhone earbuds – An HD projector – A simple AV receiver well shit! I went to the local 2nd-hand hardware store and found a freaking awesome one plus some great new speakers. The guy asked for $150 for the whole package.… Continue reading Things what I want for Holidays
Best part of Super Mario Galaxy
The chimes that sound whenever you choose an item or spin through a star match the current key of the background music.