Well I made some mores quiche. I thought I was going to make one big one but I ended up splittin’ it into two. I used ham instead of seafood like I did over the summer… with this recipe! We had one tonight and it was pretty great! The other one goes to my dad’s… Continue reading QUICHE?!

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Okay first of all I thought I’d start writing subjects for my entries so I could easily find them so I don’t think GOSH is really gonna cut it! Also I refuse to start tagging! But anyway I realized that in making baked ziti, my plan for the vacation has backfired. My plan was not… Continue reading GOSH

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Bru háa háa

Yo so today I tried again at creme brulée using this recipe and it turned out FUCKING HOLY CHRIST BEST. So many eggs though. Geez! will you look at that texture This is actually a really inexpensive thing to make so despite the fat content being something like 50% I believe I shall make it… Continue reading Bru háa háa

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Oh no ;[

welp; It was bound to happen sooner or later! Two days ago I tried making cream soda: Will you look at that awesome bottle? How sexy! Unfortunately, the cream soda was NOT sexy because, as tasty as it was, it was not carbonated. The yeast didn’t ferment, or something. It was airtight and sitting around… Continue reading Oh no ;[

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Wow so it seems that Dragon Quest IX will be released solely as a Nintendo DS game. I don’t find that TOO surprising, seeing as VIII was the only one in the series that didn’t use pixel-based sprites. As much as I really enjoyed VIII’s graphics, orchestral score, and voice acting, maybe it will be… Continue reading DQIX on DS?

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GUYS! I made baked ziti today. But uh actually with rigatoni instead of ziti. It was still great. Definitely my biggest undertaking but it was actually really fun and not too difficult. Four hours in the kitchen? Eh! Yes, the handsome gent in the final photo WAS part of the meal. Anyway the recipe didn’t… Continue reading ZITI

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Thing I made today!

Orange mascarpone brulée! It actually turned out pretty badly because the recipe I used was stupid. It was too milky, not eggy enough, and the recipe didn’t call for any sugar in the custard, only the top. Maybe I should just get meal SUGGESTIONS from Goons With Spoons and then search Google for an actual… Continue reading Thing I made today!

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http://community.livejournal.com/ucsc_chatter/1179613.html?thread=10011357#t10011357 http://community.livejournal.com/ucsc_chatter/1179613.html?thread=10017245#t10017245 http://community.livejournal.com/ucsc_chatter/1179613.html?thread=10017501#t10017501 http://community.livejournal.com/ucsc_chatter/1179613.html?thread=10113501#t10113501 I swear I didn’t have anything to do with any of these. Oh ucsc_chatter you’re such a kidder!

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Internet Cook!

Since I’m back at home I’ve decided to get off my ass and spend some time cooking! I spent about an hour making this just now: It’s oyakodon! Rice with dashi broth, soy and mirin, chicken, onions, and egg. It’s not as colorful-looking as the recipe made it out to be (probably because I used… Continue reading Internet Cook!

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Back at home after a nice quarter. Didn’t have any finals, but I stuck around until Thursday of Finals Week anyway because things are a lot more active and social at school than they are here back at home… …I realized I haven’t had any good ideas or inspiration since the summer… and my ProcrastiMATIONs… Continue reading Gahsh.

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