Today I had beer! It still tastes bad!
Author: JeffreyATW
Happy James Brown Death Day 🙁
I have arrived!
Here I am in Chicago! That sure was a long day but I’m glad it’s over! …Note how I did not say I am here in New York; rather, I said I am in Chicago. Ayup, there WAS a delay (see my prediction!), a two-and-a-half hour delay from LA to AZ, so when I arrived… Continue reading I have arrived!
My flight plan tomorrow has been slightly altered from the two-part flight I originally planned, it seems: 8:00 leave from Oakland to Los Angeles 9:45 leave from Los Angeles to Phoenix 12:30 leave from Phoenix to Kansas City 16:25 leave from Kansas City to Chicago 19:05 leave from Chicago to New York City 21:59 arrive… Continue reading OH MY GOD
Lyrics thing
Here are 30 songs I like with lyrics. I didn’t choose my entire library because even I don’t know the majority of the songs. Find out which songs they are and I’ll bold ’em with your name. But don’t use Google because that’s pretty goddamn lame.
Today I gone made Pee Butt Cookies!!! Unfortunately they are not as good as UCSC’s peanut butter cookies. Not as creamy or sweet. But they are still tasty! I think if I make this again, peanut butter will not be an afterthought and I will actually follow a recipe that is more specific, instead of… Continue reading Cooks
Guys I am on Stickam now so go look at my face and maybe join it yourself so we can all look at each other’s faces. I got a new webcam for Christmukkah so it’s all nice and crisp and fresh and has a microphone.
Stir-fry is very frightening! I never know if I’m doing it right and if I’m overcooking stuff and if things are going to light on fire. But I think this came out well! Teriyaki Chicken Noodles. Good lunchings! I think I put in a bit too much soy sauce (as usual), but it still tasted… Continue reading Noodulz
CC party woo
I’m going to a Creative Commons birthday party hosted by the Songbird crew tomorrow, hopefully! Everyone come along!