Author: JeffreyATW
The most hardcore thing anyone could ever say
“Much like the Thunderdome, there are no rules at the Puppy Bowl.” — Wikipedia
Trying to do the MySpace.
So I’m trying to log into the MySpace (for the first time in two months) so I can comment on my sister’s band profile and so it tells me to log in. I type in the correct email and password… …and it tells me I must be logged in to do that. Thanks, IIS!
*BRAGGING* I don't drink coffee, but…
According to Consumer Reports, McDonalds’ coffee is better than Starbucks’ coffee. Congratulations, Starbucks, you just got put into perspective.
It’s that time of FUCK again when it is time to think about Faminey! Who wants to cut off our food supply and go without water for weeks with me??? I’m thinking of getting a hotel soon as well as getting a pass and all that stuff but I want to know that it will… Continue reading Faminous
One year of dailies
Sup it has been one year of daily photos so take a look at this. February 2, 2006: February 2, 2007: Still looking pretty stupid!!!
Aqua Teen Hunger Jihad
One day I was walking around a bookstore and I came upon Regis Philbin’s autobiography. I flipped through the pages and noticed a pattern – at least one sentence per page was fully capitalized. Upon closer inspection, I noticed it was because he was trying to convey the feeling of yelling to get his (intended… Continue reading ITALICS
I love xkcd but I have never seen this one before http://xkcd.com/c114.html Thaaaaat’s me!
Tickets bought!
All right I am going to Coachella! I have a ride as of now (thanks shotwithdiamond!) but still if anyone’s up for going with me I might still drive by myself. I know Jocelyn might.