When I don’t blog about an event like less than two days after it happened, the whole blog becomes sort of routine and emotionless. Oh wait, I went to senior prom because it was my senior prom, not because it was an emotional experience! Wa ha! Now it’s crystal clear. Well anyway. I picked up… Continue reading Prom
Author: JeffreyATW
You don't have to hum when you can't think of a title
Whoa… I’m typing this entry in the LiveJournal textbox… it’s so different from my native Movable Type textbox… this is just too weird. I’ll try not to explode from the difference in dimensions or color scheme. Work with me here. My sister, if’n you didn’t know, can pass some 9-footers now: Matsuri Japan, Rhythm and… Continue reading You don't have to hum when you can't think of a title
Prom, Great America, Humor, Whatever
This girl at my school has started staring and smiling at me whenever I walk by her in the halls. It started when I was in the compy lab and she was sitting a few rows away from me… and she was staring and smiling. It’s nice and all, but I don’t know what it’s… Continue reading Prom, Great America, Humor, Whatever
HOLY MOTHER OF SNAP LIZARD DIDN’T UPDATE TODAY!!!!!!!?????? THIS IS LIKE THE FIRST TIME SINCE FEBRUARY 2002!!!!!!! Or maybe I just have to wait another hour or something.
Spam Spam Spam, Wonderful Spam
Yeah, I’ve got my “aggressive” Hotmail spam filter and everything, but I still get about 100 spam emails on average in my inbox each day. For my jeffreyatw.com email address, where no spam filters are installed, I get about half that much – but you must understand that I’ve only publicized that email address in… Continue reading Spam Spam Spam, Wonderful Spam
Durrrr feeling: sick lol
Today was spent being sick. That was the main activity. It’s really fun, you should try it some time. At this point, my sinuses have almost competely cleared, but it hurts when I blink and I think I’ve lost all feeling in my left year. The rest of my body is aching, and I can’t… Continue reading Durrrr feeling: sick lol
DDR Accomplishments
In the last week, I: AA’d Drop Out with 55 Greats. FC’d Naoki feat. Paula Terry with 93.8%. Got 1st Place at Time Out with Naoki Standard at 94.1%. Did First Double Heavy FC: era. Bragged about my new Gameskins Kakumeika shirt.
If This Insults You, You Deserve It
Anyone who is part of those Kings of Chaos / Outwar / unique clickthrough programs is a TOTAL DICK. Don’t you go annoying me with your STUPID personal agenda of getting people to click a misleading link. GOD DAMN. It’s worse than spam, even.
Heh, I was surprised to find both Dominic Deegan and 10K Commotion on the front page of Kung Fool today. BTW, read Kung Fool more. Hyung has started a somewhat-daily gag strip called Crazykimchi.com, and it looks niiiiec. My personal trainer, Marcos, is losing weight for a Gold’s Gym contest. I’m sure he won’t win… Continue reading Push