deja vu

Do you ever hear a phrase or a term that you haven’t really heard a lot in the past… and then you start hearing it EVERYWHERE?
Right now, my deja-vu term is “Scheherezade…” I heard it before as a friend’s username, and that was about it… but today I’ve seen it twice; once as the title of a friend’s book, and then someone talked about it in their LJ… So it’s like, once in my entire life in the past, and then all of a sudden, twice today. It’s strange.


  1. when you’re not thinking of something, you don’t notice it. but once it’s brought to your attention and is on the surface of your thoughts, it’s there for new data coming in to match with. therefore, you actually notice it around rather than ignoring it as you usually would. i react that way especially after learning a new word. right after learning “juxtapose” my professor seemed to start using it 3 or 4 times per class session. =\

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