Let's put something into perspective.

I’m playing Chaotix, one of the more “recent” 2D home console Sonic games, and I’m playing Sonic Heroes, a recent 3D home console Sonic game…
Which one am I enjoying better? Sonic Heroes.
Here is a prime example of 3D finally beating out good ol’ 2D… it’s not a fair comparison as 2D Sonic games are still being made for handheld consoles and they’re still pretty okay, but… you play Chaotix and you DON’T HAVE FUN. It’s not a fast game – the control is AWFUL because you’re stuck to your partner and the whole thing is about jumping up platforms where you have to get enough elasticity going to be able to propel your partner up first before you can jump up… UGH. This isn’t freaking Ristar, you’re not supposed to have elastic lines jutting all over the place.
But I digress! Sonic Heroes is a lot more fun simply because they try their best to make 3D very easy to work with. Almost all attacks lock on. The camera forces you to go certain places. And when all is said and done, it’s FAST. Of course, some might be turned off by the fact that the characters are a lot more fleshed out… that is, they’re very kiddy. All the cutscenes and all of the voices are very childish and cater to very young gamers. Then again, I was playing Sonic in 1991 and having the time of my life. I was young then too, and I wasn’t given as much character development.
So right. Sonic Heroes. Much better than Chaotix. It’s an actually enjoyable 3D Sonic game.
On a related note, I’m playing FF9 on ePSXe for some reason. The graphics are just so nice that I’m putting myself through my favorite Final Fantasy for the 3rd time.
Please excuse this horribly disjointed blahg, I just woke up…


    1. Not when people sit around all DAY saying “wuhh wuhh 2D wuz so much better bluhhh.”
      On a related note, I can probably find someone who thinks RED is too overblown and thinks complete mix 1 has all the songs you need, or something crazy like that. 😛

      1. 2D is only overblown in regards to, y’know, good games. Chaotix is fucking terrible in pretty much every aspect. I mean, all the characters have different abilities that allow them to traverse the levels: walking on walls, that sort of thing. But of course, there’s a BEE who can FLY. And the roulette-wheel method of choosing stages? Good god.

  1. I have to agree, I loved the game, but I was halfway tempted to gouge out my eardrums with a rusty spork every time Sonic muttered something about the “power of teamwork.”
    Team Dark is, rather appropriately, a little darker than the other three. Generally, though, the game’s tone is a complete 180 from the last game (Sonic Adventure 2). I suppose with this sort of title I can’t really expect that much with the story, but when it comes to having a crappy-ish story versus none at all, I’m more than happy to take the former.

  2. I think you’re nuts. Sonic Heroes is a really un-fun game.
    Knuckles Chaotix is horrible though. not only is the gameplay a bunch of repeating slingshot puzzles, the level design is some of the worst I’ve ever seen.
    Just because Sonic Heroes tastes like solid shit instead of diarrhea doesn’t mean it tastes GOOD.

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