JeffreyAtW Vlog 81– Jeffrey does not dance. – Nothing assigned. – Not even my thesis is safe from procrastination. – Out of loratadine. – Artichoke hearts.

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Awesomelinks #7

I can’t believe this was rendered on the PSP. (Given the resolution, it’s safe to say it wasn’t. Your mom. This is probably the best thing DC has ever done. I’m low on links, so here’s a site that shows live Twitters from around the world. 1000 bonus points if you see one of mine!

JeffreyAtW Vlog 80– I’m not done with anything. The Offspring – Intermission

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Awesomelinks #6

Jesus, has it already been 6 days already? Here’s a bunch of YouTube stuff. Keep fighting for America, Wheel of Fortune lady. A relatively awesome 20/20 special on atheism. So many aggressive turtle videos. Hitler video. I lol’d a bit but I’m glad they cut it short. Not YouTube: FLY THROUGH THE SKY.

JeffreyAtW Vlog 79

– Finished the densest assignment yet. – Did some shopping. – Downloaded things illegally. – Went kite flying!

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Awesomelinks #5

Awesomelinks Rule #2: No more than six links a day. People sort of get dizzied by the amount of clickable stuff after that amount. Flippaz!, an awesome Disney sports movie genre parody. Camera taping smiling people at a Japanese rotating sushi bar. Trent Reznor is pretty good at pissing off (and getting pissed off at)… Continue reading Awesomelinks #5

JeffreyAtW Vlog 78– Bonus noses. – Skype chat. – Jott. – You can say “fuck” in college! – Up to nose in work, and snot!

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Awesomelinks #4

Lookit dat car in the mud. World’s highest swing Jane Fonda and Stephen Colbert OTP (imagine her still at Barbarella’s age and it’s hotter) Toads out of the back of a toad. This awesome animation series about a drawing on a wall. The one on the left sort of looks like a man.

JeffreyAtW Vlog 77– Makin’ a vlog every day. – Daily Grind Iron Man Challenge. – Vlog future. – Applying for housing in Seattle.

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Awesomelinks #3

French video about a bar asshole. Summa my homework. Canada. Where you can hide your weight, but not your mass! Nap pods. I don’t think the term “futuristic” can really apply anymore, seeing how this is the future. My roommate told me that this is from “Elfen Lied” but I don’t care. Paris Hilton.