LiveJournal Haiku! Your name: jeffreyatw Your haiku: i had rrrr r!rrr!avast!!!!rrrrrsunday goodbyetobrad partythat’s that my plans for Username: Created by Grahame
America’s Funniest Home Pants Money
Okay, I might as well tell alls y’alls how my operation went. My lower two wisdom teeth were pressing up against my second molars… they were at about a 30 degree angle, and had they stayed in, over the next few decades my set of lower teeth might contract and overlap. My upper wisdom teeth… Continue reading Wise
I was asleep!
This is the BEST SITE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. Click here if you can’t find the majority of the “fanfics.” Additionally, the wisdom teeth removal went well and I ate a lot of pudding and ice cream.
About is up
I finally felt like writing an About page. Although you seriously should be able to find out everything you need to know about me from reading my blog. Whatever.
Hey-HEY!!! !!!! !!! Everyone’s feeling HAPPY! GO LUICKY!! But yeah I HAVEN’T BLOGGED FOR A WHILE AND I FIND MYSELF DEVOID OF CREATIVITY AT THE MOMENT! I use the RIGHT SHIFT KEY! Left shift and caps lock are for YOUSERS. ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF Did I tell you recently that I rock?! And… Continue reading DUP
Different and unique, you are not Jeffrey. You probably don’t live in Jeffrey’s house, nor do you drive his car or eat his food. You are not exactly at the same level as Jeffrey when it comes to everything. If you were faced with a problem, you’d use your own method to deal with it.… Continue reading omg
Playing DDR isn't an alternative
I am so much like this guy. God fucking dammit.
More LiveJournal Thoughts
On Anonymous Posting I can completely understand why a lot of people would disable anonymous posting in their blogs, but I rather like it. I mean, you let the bottom-of-the-barrel internet scum amble right up to your homestead and let them go on and on. No one should care, since they have no one to… Continue reading More LiveJournal Thoughts
In Case You Didn't Know