BTW some people have used my silly bloopy bleep music in their videos within the past year so I think I will link to them! Unfinished Roof Fight by Derek! Hall Fight by Derek! Candi in Wonderland by Starline!
Author: JeffreyATW
New Yolk
Well I went to New York just FYI! Thursday Woke up in San Francisco at an apartment my mom rents out. My mom and I stayed there overnight to clean it up for the next tenant, and also so we could head straight to SFO in the morning. And so that’s what we did! The… Continue reading New Yolk
Nice image choice, MSNBC!
Who thinks that people are going to spread news that he died by crocodile bite to the face, rather than a stingray barb to the chest?
What would you do
What would all you Bloggers do… If I redesigned my LJ to look like a Blogspot page?!? You’d all be really conflicted and go like “OH NO, there goes our trendiness! LJ does everything that Blogspot does, and it also adds friend lists! The only thing that separated the two were the cool designs that… Continue reading What would you do
It’s so sad to see people who sound so sure of themselves, yet they’re really so full of uncertainty and hate. Amazing how these people use charisma to boost themselves into hollow friendships, and eventually flawed leadership positions… Examples upon request!
There is this article on MSNBC that was linked to as Bush visits ravaged Gulf Coast. Although it’s meant as “Bush visits [the] ravaged Gulf Coast,” the first time I read it, I thought it said “Bush visits ravaged [the] Gulf Coast.” Hence, the importance of articles in… articles!
Okay here’s mine
Phoenix Wright
I seriously doubted and avoided this game for a long time since I didn’t understand the hype – mostly because I 1) dislike court sessions – they’re often very boring and unnecessary 2) don’t like most text games, Japanese especially – dating sims have given me a bad taste but holy SHIT is Phoenix Wright… Continue reading Phoenix Wright
Work is really difficult part two
Robots… with emotions? How novel! I think I will make a t-shirt of this idea! Someone has to make a t-shirt of an preexisting robot with emotions. Like a Roomba, or a Packbot. None of this “killer robot that looks like all the other killer robots” shit. I mean a robot that mows your lawn… Continue reading Work is really difficult part two
Curse that Moby!
He wrote exactly what I wrote about yesterday! But only kind of more educated-like, a bit.