Guys, dudes, what happened to your art blog blogger blogs? 🙁 Also congrats bun_bun_ayanami, mashuren, and creativecstasy so far for using LJ Talk! You have won the contest and you can claim your prizes!
Author: JeffreyATW
OH MY FUCKING GOD There are:2people with my namein the U.S.A. How many have your name? I’ll find him And I will kill him.
LJ Talk
Hooray for Trillian Pro! I didn’t have to download any extra thingamajig to connect to LJ Talk. Having the LJ Talk friends list being the same as your profile’s friends list is extra cool, though. Whoops I pressed enter and the entry posted itself (you can post from LJ Talk)! Anyway everyone should get on… Continue reading LJ Talk
Happy National Coming Out Day! I kissed a dude earlier this year! But I am still straight because I had a lot of the sex with womens. The Kinsey Scale says so! (I love the ladies!)
When he was a young warthog
Holey moley
You know, I wish people got more credit for NOT bringing up things that are happening in the media or popular culture. Or if there was some way to be commended for going through things like scandals or fads or memes without even paying any mind to it. Then again, the moment someone mentions that… Continue reading Holey moley
I am a masochist!
Check out this creepy rasterbation I made: I’m-a have to wake up to this every morning!
FFXII get (sorta)
Vinit got the leaked download of Final Fantasy XII and burned me a copy so I will now be playing it! Weeheehee! And I don’t feel the slightest bit guilty – why? Because I already pre-ordered the collector’s edition. So I just get to make use of my $50 (out of $60 – $10 extra… Continue reading FFXII get (sorta)
The Amish fucking kick ass Rock out with your cocks out, Amish. If only society could learn from you. (I’m talking about their response, not their religious values!)
a cry for help
Please stop me from considering buying a Macbook within the next year. Sure, it’s smaller and probably has better battery life than my Inspiron 9300, but if I sold my Inspiron it would be at about half of what I bought it for ($2000), and then it wouldn’t be enough to buy even the cheapest… Continue reading a cry for help