Just so people know it’s mine and not theirs:
Author: JeffreyATW
Two randomosities
I donated FIVE BUCKS to Child’s Play! Beat that, motherfuckers! (no really, do it.) Also, I updated my daily photo animation thing with photos up to mid-November and a new annoying music loop. All photos can be found here – updated like once a month!
I GOT A WII remote! Yeah I didn’t actually get the entire console, just the remote. My next door neighbor has a Wii, and I thought I’d buy a second controller for when I actually have a full console myself, but in the meantime I just have a place to store my Mii, and a… Continue reading GET
I’m going to try to spend more time focusing on dreams. Maybe I will make this thing my “dreams blag.” Anyway here’s what I dreamed about last night: I was sitting in a lecture hall with Shiranne and the teacher said that we’ve run out of things to talk about today, so he decided he… Continue reading Untitled
I lost my hat 🙁
I’d like to take a little time out to curse what has ruined a great number of my friends’ lives: cigarettes. Even if they don’t realize it, the time that they’ve already spent sucking on burnt things, the change in their habits, and the effect it will have on the rest of their lives is… Continue reading Cigarettes
Winter 2007 Schedule!
Good morning!
Swamp threshold
There’s some sort of limit to how much work I have before I feel swamped – or at least it’s interesting how less I feel I have to do now that I have one assignment under wraps. Beforehand I had 5 pages of a Psych essay to write, a big ol’ Phonology assignment to plow… Continue reading Swamp threshold
A Good Day.
I woke up this morning after partying at Ruji’s house, which was all good fun. I ended up falling asleep with my hat on and awoke to find that I was the only one in the entire house, except the cat. A little spooky! But good times nevertheless. Then I headed up to San Francisco… Continue reading A Good Day.