Anyway, like everyone else in the universe I got FFX today. UNLIKE everyone else, I won’t be able to finish it tonight, though, because the PlayStation’s at the other house… dammit. So all I can too is skim through the awfully brief instruction manual and twirl the DVD around my finger. It was interesting in… Continue reading Untitled
Author: JeffreyATW
Everything2 is stoOpid. I think I agree with Stile on his statement of their elitism… fortunately/unfortunately, it’s a pretty good place for research. <JeffreyAtW> I didn’t know opinion wasn’t appreciated here. *braces*EDB has swallowed JeffreyAtW. JeffreyAtW was tasty!<Imprecation> Oh, dear.<dem bones> (I prefer to let them brace themselves first … especially if they’re still in… Continue reading Untitled
This week has been hella cool. On Monday, I finished up that massive photomontage. You can check it out, in the new Misc. Files section. Just think of this thing, big as it is already, 8 freaking feet by 16 freaking feet. Not just regular feet, but freaking feet. It was hung up in my… Continue reading Untitled
Well, it’s a hectic day today. The first thing I have to do is get a signature from a school official for this exchange program, to confirm that I’m going to JAPAN~! this summer. If I don’t have it postmarked by today, there’s no use in celebrating. 🙁 I also finished up the giant, colossal,… Continue reading Untitled
Since I’m not in the mood to blog and I was chattin’ a lot today, here’s a funny quote. <JeffreyAtW> We are now free to frolick in the fields* JeffreyAtW frolicks* Jonathan frolicks* JeffreyAtW is in ANOTHER FIELD<Jonathan> damn you beat me too it* Jonathan trips on a rock and cracks his head open. ‘damn… Continue reading Untitled
I’m all alone. As many of you probably know (and can’t read this), @Home has cut off their service due to bankruptcy. I was up late last night to experience the rush of being kicked off the net, but decided to fall asleep instead. I wake up, and the harsh idea becomes reality. Fortunately, my… Continue reading Untitled
The only reason I can pause to blog is because it’s late at night and I’m too tired to do anything else that I should be doing. First off – I’m making this ASSIVE photomontage of the American flag for my drama class. The photomontage consists of pictures related to terrorism (Osama bin Hidin’, anthrax,… Continue reading Untitled
So James was “featured” in this presentation I went to recently. The presentation was 9-1-1: the Youth Response. I really could care less (yes, I’m a heartless/anti-country/atheist/communist/terrorist/Satanic/evil/Streisand-loving BASTARD) about “the events of September 11” (I’m tired of hearing that phrase), but it was really just a concert of kids’ musical acts, dances, poetry readings, and… Continue reading Untitled
Arrgh. I finally remember the last thing I was going to say in yesterday’s blog… On Sunday, to compete with the expectedly high ratings of “50 Years of I Love Lucy: Reruns 0\/\//\/2 j00” ABC aired a COMPLETELY un-cut version of Saving Private Ryan. They didn’t even block out any bad language. I’m not saying… Continue reading Untitled
My graphing calculator broke recently. Boo hoo. It was an old Casio with just a few features… nothing very special, but it got the job done. As anyone who goes to school probably realizes by now, everyone owns a TI calculator, not for its features of course but for its games. Yes, GAMES. When I… Continue reading Untitled