Levi, you left your backpack in the trunk of my car. And it’s stupid – now with my cut-down brown hair and hoodie, my sister says I look even MORE like Eminem. James and I left our houses at about 7:00 yesterday morning, and we didn’t return until midnight. That’s how fun the day was.… Continue reading I Am Jack's Ass
Author: JeffreyATW
I'm In Love With You
Here’s that song that I wrote for Jazz Chorus yesterday. It’s supposed to be a slow boy-band-like song… and it’s got a real Weird Al flavor to it. Avid internet users may get a chuckle out of it, but the people in my Jazz Chorus were actually ROFL. You wait for me Until I get… Continue reading I'm In Love With You
Baby Loaf
While most blogs have a body but no title, this blog has a title but no body.
I go to school to exercise my left brain, and at home I exercise my right brain. What happens when my right brain is required to work at school? Chaos. I like to call myself a very artistic person. I make a webcomic, I draw a lot (now these are two separate things, of course),… Continue reading Poetry
Just like any web cartoonist should be…
I’m becoming competely obessive about my comic. I’m freaking out that I don’t have the comic done for NEXT TUESDAY, let’s start off on that. I’m putting my comic for NEXT TUESDAY higher on my list of priorities than, uh, my homework. And believe it or not, that Ren and Stimpy reference was completely unintentional.… Continue reading Just like any web cartoonist should be…
I’m kidding, of course.
Adam's Magical Mystery Hat
I got DDRMAX. I was supposed to go to the monthy children’s service at my temple yesterday, but Hannah called in and invited me over to her school’s homecoming parade. I met up with Adam and Bryan over at Cold Stone Creamery (or Stone Cold Steve Ice Cream) and Adam told us of his tale… Continue reading Adam's Magical Mystery Hat
Just Believe
!!! Halloween rocked the jeezy fo’ veezy. I swear, I wore the best costume ever today, but barely anyone noticed how awesome it was. They were all taken by the girls who dressed up as prostitutes. But I’m getting off topic – let’s talk more about costumes. At lunch, there was a costume contest, and… Continue reading Just Believe
captaincanada231: Blog?
Dammit, Giants, and you were doing so well… I went to the Oasis finally, but a lot of no one was there. At least I got to hang out with a few old faces… a few Terra Linda grads and other people I haven’t seen in years. James and I also asked to be offered… Continue reading captaincanada231: Blog?
The Watch Who Lost Track of Time
Sounds pretty dumb, eh? Well, I had a week to write a 3-page story for English about anthropomorphism, so I threw this together at the last moment. I’m sharing it because I like how I just started writing the thing, and ended up with a moral that mostly makes sense. Also, it sort of retells… Continue reading The Watch Who Lost Track of Time