Sophie told me a few days ago that Bryan does not intend to drive people around like I do once the school year starts and I move away to UCSC. It interested me – I mean, I can totally see his point, and obviously everyone who starts driving isn’t as enthusiastic about it as I… Continue reading Selfishness
Author: JeffreyATW
And with that, a less analytical and more social blog! What’s everyone’s ancestry? I’m curious. These things interest me. My last name is Faden, which is German. My ancestry is 3rd generation American, and from there I have ancestors in Russia, Germany, and Poland. My mom’s mom is from Austria, though.
I live my life by one given: life is good. It’s because I have nothing else to believe in. I’ve come to my own terms revolving around just that thing – there is no God, there is no need for hope, nor is there a need for fear, but you can still live your life… Continue reading Meanie
I'm Not Very Likeable
I finally got my computer from Steve yesterday. I sorta had to take it from him with the DVD drivers not fully installed, but at this point I really don’t give a damn. The suppliers from which he bought the case, processor, and motherboard, STILL haven’t delivered those parts, so he put together a loaner… Continue reading I'm Not Very Likeable
Yesterday was stupid. Today is stupider. More details when I’m not totally pissed off. EDIT: Special LiveJournal feature! I’ve added my first “current mood” just so those who aren’t literate can see straight up that I’m “pissed off” and then they can post some goddamn stupid comment like “>_>;; i know how u feel *huggz*”
Trip Five
The past two days were spent doing money-conserving activities and I had myself a lort of funners. Joe was a really good pal and offered the lot of us a free showing of Pirates of the Caribbean at the Metreon. So since the movie was free, the money was instead spent parking and playing really… Continue reading Trip Five
Sunday Goodbyetobrad Party
HI Betty and Momo show off their amazing dragon necklaces as Levi and Simon look on. I make a fool of myself at Afronova Primeval in Dance Freaks as my sis Lily freestyles to Highs Off U. HI Lily and James face off at freestyling to It’s Raining Men, and James thinks he loses because… Continue reading Sunday Goodbyetobrad Party
That's That
My plans for going to Comic-Con were looking brighter and brighter until I saw the fax my stepmom got – $551 for damages of that guy’s rear bumper. I don’t even have that much money anymore, thanks to my parents deciding to stop giving me allowance. Hah, Comic-Con? More like Not-Even-Being-Able-To-Go-To-Time-Out-Let-Alone-Eat-Con.