Check ’em out. I have a paid account – might as well make the most of it.
Author: JeffreyATW
My first (and definitely last) colorbar.
IIDX is love.
zell_dincht, paradoxx181, midnight_tiger, and akewlsob, please do not take the Gender Tool.
I just wanna ride my motorcy. Kul.
I had an interview at Sun Microsystems today and it went GOOD so this summer I’m working at Sun Microsystems woo! Also, I’m going to add pages to my site since it can now be accessed at woo!
My old site isn’t back yet, because like I’ve been saying, Oktagone is fucking awful, but in the meantime, I’ve redesigned my website and it revolves around LiveJournal, meaning the index page will point to my latest entries page. But check out the new design! Please give me criticism. Should I restrict its width? Does… Continue reading CHECKITOUTCHECKITOUT
A backup of my site was found by OktaGone! Accounting for their current speed in assisting me, they might restore it in, say, a month. In other news, l33tsysadmin has so very generously set me up with new hosting. So once I get off of OktaGone, he’ll be the new one to host me. So… Continue reading Untitled
That's it.
It’s over… no more… I’m not going to take it. They said they’d change. I told them over, and over, and over. But still, they play with me as if I’m an insignificant little speck, devoid of any respect they might decided to belch out at me. I don’t have to be treated this way.… Continue reading That's it.
Terrorist Attack in Madrid
In case anyone hasn’t heard the news yet, there was a train-related terrorist bombing attack in Madrid that killed at least 190 people. Another point worth noting is that today is exactly 2 1/2 years after the terrorist bombings in New York.
Hey, it’s a meme because I’m proud of my MP3 collection. First 20 random songs from my iTunes library: 1) Lapis Lazuli – Awe of She 2) Sampling Masters MEGA – rottel-the-Mercury 3) Billy Ocean – Caribbean Queen 4) YOMA KOMATSU – ever snow 5) Mogwai – Yes! I Am A Long Way From Home… Continue reading I AM LIVEJOURNAL
Read it again, for the first time!
I added a little more than a year’s worth of blogging to my LiveJournal – since my site’s down, I’ve decided I’ll use LiveJournal as my main blogging tool from now on, so I thought I’d have my complete archives here. Now if I can only find those missing 2002-2003 entries… Anyway, do it NOW.… Continue reading Read it again, for the first time!