That's it.

It’s over… no more… I’m not going to take it.
They said they’d change. I told them over, and over, and over. But still, they play with me as if I’m an insignificant little speck, devoid of any respect they might decided to belch out at me. I don’t have to be treated this way. There’s no fucking way I’m going to stand it.
michiru_mama agrees with me – they’ve gone over the edge and there’s no turning back. Day after day, they mock me, thinking that I’ll come back to them with a new outlook, ready for a fresh start. But even then, they shut me down.
It’s fucking wrong to play with someone’s emotions like this. And I think they know they’re doing it. There’s no stopping it, and I’m just not going to deal with it anymore.
So I’m saying goodbye.
Goodbye to my dining hall’s undercooked hard-boiled eggs.


  1. oh my
    Hard-boiled eggs are destroying my individuality and won’t let me drive to school after they caught be drinking the night before, this is so unfair. 🙁
    I want to kill them. >:(

      1. We should make a music video for nothing in particular but it’ll be set up like a typical Linkin Park video. I’ll be running, and you can scream into a microphone you’re holding upside down, and then we can have a plain model who we had dye her hair black pretend to cut herself with her elbow because her mom is concerned with her life, and then like, random shots of us being angry for no reason. 🙂

        1. I need to convey this to the Linkin Park fans next door, who are also film majors… and also have really loud subwoofers. 🙁 It’d be so much like the videos yet so much of a satire that they wouldn’t even realize how stupid it was.

    1. Haha, nice. I take it you’re from the Something Awful forums?
      Be sure to tell the geniuses over there that this post is satire. Maybe some day they’ll understand.

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