1. Yeah, it took me a while to spell Massachusetts. Then I forgot Minnesota for a while (I knew it was an M, it was killing me), and completely forgot Vermont even existed. Should I feel guilty for so entirely disregarding those states?

  2. Alabama, and Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas
    California, Colorado, Connecticut and more
    Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho
    Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, still 35 to go
    Kansas, and Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine
    Maryland, Massachusetts and good old Michigan
    Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, and Montana
    Nebraska’s 27, number 28’s Nevada
    Next, New Hampshire, and New Jersey, and way down, New Mexico
    There’s New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio
    Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, now let’s see
    Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee
    Texas and there’s Utah, Vermont, I’m almost through
    Virginia and there’s Washington, and West Virginia, too
    Could Wisconsin be the last state or is it just 49?
    No, Wyoming is the last state in The 50 States That Rhyme!

    1. When I sat down all out of breath,
      The teacher said “that’s great!
      I’m quite impressed, you were the best
      At listing all the states.
      “But if you wanna get an A
      For that silly little rhyme,
      Stand back up and sing that song,
      But do it double time.”

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