Now why'd I go and do that

I just said to my new boss-type guy, Dave, that my next movie, “The Glomp,” will be finished by Monday morning.
Guess I’ll be up all weekend! But expect to see it then!
edit: It is a beautiful day and I finally found somewhere to lounge around outside – the Stevenson Coffee House! Because it has wifi, it has tables, and it has a lot of shade from these beautiful trees. Also everyone sitting around me is a total nerd, talking about complementizers and what “monkey” is in Indonesian. Ah, bliss! Porter’s got a lot of nice places to sit but barely any shade, and everyone’s there in almost no clothes talking about how many people they made out with. Who’d want to be a part of THAT?
edit: But everyone around me is smoking which I’m okay with because they asked, but then smoke started blowing into my face but since I already said it’s okay I think it’d be weird now to move or say I wasn’t okay. 😐 Oh well!
edit: haha one of the smokers just accidentally dropped their cigarette onto the tanbark and almost started a small fire.


    1. Yeah and there must have been like five guys in that room with me and I don’t remember what was going on but I have this huge bump on my head and fuckin’ I must have like had an entire bottle of that shit you know? Seriously like Bret was there and he was totally like trying to get into Jenny’s pants and fuckin’ I was like WHAT YOU SLUT and I don’t know I think she left or something! but you know I was soooooooooooooooooo drunk and this dude was fuckin’ like hey girl check out my nugz and I was hell yeah and

    1. as a porter kid, and referencing sitting around in my bikini talking about everyone i’ve made out with… lemme just say, im not a big fan of making out with smokers. i can’t recall ever doing so.

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