Here it is!

So that video of me running around in my underwear.
It’s online and open for public viewing.
But it’s a video of me running around in my underwear. So I don’t know if you really want to see that.
Long-take six-minute shot of me in my underwear.


      1. Sorry
        From my info: “I don’t necessarily add people back if they add me.”
        I use my friends list a lot throughout the day and I don’t know who you are, so if you’d like me to be honest I don’t have much interest in reading your stuff. If you’d like to friend me that’s fine but you might want to find out a bit more about how LiveJournal works before you get angry about people not wanting to read your journal.

        1. Re: Sorry
          just cause i called you a butthead doesn’t mean i’m angry.
          this does make me realize that i use livejournal more like facebook now. i have a million people i know on my friendslists who write crap i don’t care about and it’s annoying, but i added them because we, like, know each other, or people in common, or stupidity. so yeah. don’t add me. i’m not interested in what you write either really.

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