Scam spams

Has anyone noticed that bank account scam emails have gotten shorter and shorter? It used to be like, “Dear Honorable Sir JEFFREY FADEN, Esq., [insert 5 paragraphs here jam-packed with courtesy and serious business] $6 MILLION DOLLARS USD CASH $$$ [5 more paragraphs of being really kind and shit] Love, Completely Serious Name, Ngudukubuntulinux, Africa.”… Continue reading Scam spams

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FYI, I got that humor test 11 times on my friends page after I posted it. 😛 EDITSAUCE: GEEZ GUYS IT’S NOT LIKE I’M TAKING CREDIT FOR IT GEEZ

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Uh oh, warranty about to expire.

I’ve owned an iPod for almost a year now, and my warranty’s about to expire. I didn’t buy AppleCare back when I registered it, but since then I have sent it back for a replacement since the hard drive stopped working… shipping cost $30 since I didn’t have AppleCare, which costs $60, so it was… Continue reading Uh oh, warranty about to expire.

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Everyone. My workplace. Monday. 3:52PM EXACTLY. Be there. We’re going to further the corporate machine 200 times harder than ever before.

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Mostly so I can check it out later: Mario without ANYTHING. All you can do is walk around a flat level until you run out of time and die. How existential.

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Oh man, why have I never heard of Sudoku before. Best puzzle ever. Really addictive. (also, I suck at it.)

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Random milestone

I haven’t thrown up in over ten years!

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Also, Canada legalized gay marriage again or something. Or maybe this time it’s really, really, really, really, really, REALLY final.

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