
Ishkur’s Guide to Electronic Music has been updated with new genres, all-new “supergenres” and a tutorial! It’s almost as if I didn’t have to even take that Electronic Music history class last quarter! In other news, I have the new Daft Punk album, “Human After All.” IM me up if you’d like it.

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Fight the power.

If I ever become the owner of an establishment with a parking lot, I will make sure there are no handicapped spots! Those pedestrially disabled bastards have left vacant the most easily accessible and aesthetically pleasing spots for too long! I demand retribution!

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the era of dogtato is over

New userpic! It’s sorta okay! Dogtato’s still around but just not default!

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I think it’s time I found some friends who will call me their friend as well. edited clarification: I mean, people who want to say hi to me, not just after I’ve said hi to them, people who want to include me, people who enjoy sitting with me at lunch, people who enjoy talking with… Continue reading Sigh

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Man I already beat Rez. END

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I downloaded Rez and I am happy.

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I’m sure I’m not the only one who finds the term “tire rotation” ironic.

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I find it funny…

…that those with a great amount of gay pride are often quite liberal, while those with a great amount of straight pride are often quite conservative. I think something’s slightly wrong there.

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New songogogogogo.

scream I really like this one, and it only took me something like 2 hours to make. It’s named after the unit in reason that I used… 8 TIMES. So yeah, I basically experimented with the Scream unit and also completely cut out the volume in segments… a lot. Destroying sound is fun, and for… Continue reading New songogogogogo.

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