
Sometimes I wonder if people really have a right to complain about those who are much happier than them, no matter how unfulfilled or shallow those people might sound.
Then I realize that these happy yet shallow, stupid people might end up ruling the world, and then I wish that people would do much more than sit and complain about them.

On a completely unrelated note, EXPLODING DOG FUCKING SUCKS.


  1. pointless comment
    happy shallow people run the government
    angry “deep” [i have a rant on why that word shouldn’t exist in that context, but maybe later..] people write commentary
    sorta like p’shat and midrash, since i see in your info your in J-Unit [sorry, highschool rubs off after a while]
    and then there are always the drifters, who are sort of like a buffer between the two extremes. cant forget them 🙂
    your journal is nice how its set up, btw

    1. Re: pointless comment
      Well, I don’t think that anyone is really one or the other. Happily shallow or angry and deep. You know. I often like to turn a blind eye to obvious problems, and sometimes I really dislike when people go off and rant about stupid crap, mostly because I think it’s harmless, or just so stupid that it shouldn’t be dealt with.
      Angry “deep” people seem to me like they sorta miss the point of life. Same goes, of course, for the happy shallow people.

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