Post as much GOOD about the French as you can. Look it up, there’s a lot. We want to drown out this “hateful guy“‘s posts, and it’s working, too. Lots of cool stuff about French people on the community already.
So basically, let’s change the community’s name from “Fuck the French!” to “Fuck! The French!” Or maybe, “I want to fuck the French because they’re smokin hot.”
BTW, I seriously doubt crazy_ramblings is actually posting what he really feels. He’s probably just a total troll. But it doesn’t really matter, he’s not funny, and it’s not cool.
Jeffrey, you’re awesome. I’m dragging you out of your room the first instant I get 🙂
I responded to this:
The guy in there protesting Hitler’s bad but that if everyone has left wing tendencies, like Hitler’s socialism, when I could’ve sworn it was communism, was going to be like him someday, is an idiot.
And the community admin saying that Hitler was “loving” in private.. how in the hell would HE know that?
Whatever you do in that community (and everywhere, for that matter), please don’t try to take everything they say seriously. They might just end up laughing at you tying yourself in knots over some issues about which they might not care.
I already took that into account with the admin, but the other dude I did respond to seemed pretty serious.
Yeah. That’s fine. Just don’t listen to crazy_ramblings. 😛
Four words:
Daft Punk and Air.
-Indogutsu Tenbuki