Internet Language Update

Welcome to another episode of Internet Language Update, where I tell you what not to do and you listen to me, because I am the authority on the e-zone! This time around, we’ll be focusing on the latest slang crazes by our favoritest group around – anime fans! Get ready to get insulted!
ZOMG – Stop it! Using “ZOMG” as the prefix to a sarcastic comment is backwards and self-defeating! If you use it, you should stop jacking off to 4chan and try to get attracted to real human beings!
xD – More like 2 YEARS OLD, OK! Stop fucking using these god-awful faces after every sentence! Besides, SD cards are much better, I’ve got a 128 MB one and I can use it for both my Pocket PC and my digital camera.
TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT_____TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT – Just in case we didn’t see these abominations before, now you add about a hundred more to each side so instead of seeing an actual journal entry we see stuff like and so she was like lol 0_____________________0 and then rushi-bushi chan went ohayoo gozaimasu T___________TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT and then we killed ourselves! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
<3 – Indie kids were fucking it up a great number of years before you came and fucked it up for the rest of us! You suck!
teh – I think it’s spelled “the.” Oh, you’re trying to be funny? “The” is plenty funny. Try it some time, it’s a barrel of laughs.
Remember, kids, the English language loves you and wants you back! It’s really sorry, it didn’t mean it! I think that’s enough alienation for the day! Become angry at the Internet and comment away!


    1. Pffsh. I say become a hard core anime fan before you take it upon yourself to correct them. As far as I know, you’re just an RPG man. But I may be behind in the times.

        1. zomg, that is teh funniest, most awesomest thing ever! T_T i’m so sorry about this. i’ve been up for so long that i’ve completely lost all of my inhibitions. this is why i live far away from all of my friends. =\

  1. I give myself creative license to use <3, because it's me symbolically teabagging whoever I use it upon.
    And you guys can all <3 yourselfs if you respectfully disagree with me.

        1. It’s both for people to laugh at themselves (because I’m not really being totally serious) and for people who have noticed a rise of these common phrases to smile and agree. 😛

  2. I happen to know a forum/chat where almost every of these things are mentioned.
    “Teh”, “PWN”, “XD”, “<3", etc. As far as repeated Ts and a Z before "OMG" I haven't seen those. I have seen "T_T" and "OMG" though.
    In fact, I use these, when being humorus on that forum, while still knowing normal english. Let’s face it. It’s teh pwn, OMG XD
    …okay. Maybe it’s funny to them. I don’t find humor, but the forum is full of kids, and they get humor out of it. >_> I *DO* get extensive use out of the “XD” smiley, however. (Namely in chat.)
    So one could say I am a multi-linguist on the internet, being versed in english, leet-speak, n00b-speak (partial leet), AOLer, net lingo, and partially versed in slang. The proof being me in chat and me when posting.

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