
That’s percentage.

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STOP PORTSCANNING ME LOSERS edit: goddamn use google if you don’t know what something means

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When you are with me, you have just arrived with a suitcase. Suitcase? Suitcase! SslASkslkskSAKL s y

Oh man, man. Some of the MP3s from my History of Electronic Music class are great. Creepy great. Awesome great! Suitcase great! And yeah those all aren’t really songs per se, but they’re required listening. I’ve had a headache for the past few days, but it’s all but gone now. And it’s sorta sucked, since… Continue reading When you are with me, you have just arrived with a suitcase. Suitcase? Suitcase! SslASkslkskSAKL s y

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Hey I bought some damn Oakland kids some stupid Powderfluff Girl DVD book or whatever you young’uns like to call those stupid things so you should too.

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beatmania IIDX 9th style icons

Made ’em today. They’re from the songs moon_child, lower world, BAD BOY BASS!!, and ACT, respectively. Adobe ImageReady CS is fun when it’s not crashing. Feel free to use them if anyone in the entire world is at all interested in beatmania IIDX…

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New design.

JeffreyAtW.com v9 lives. Do I like it better than my last design? No, not really. But it’s simple, neat, and turned out the way I wanted it to. Besides, I’m more in a music mood than a comics mood.

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Star Fox 2

Star Fox 2 for SNES! I don’t know a lot about it, besides it’s the unreleased sequel to the original Star Fox. I think some people found an unfinished ROM of it, patched it up and translated it to English. It’s a nice quick ride, and for SNES graphics, it’s rather amazing. Use the latest… Continue reading Star Fox 2

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I don’t have a roommate; life is pretty sweet. I’m totally into the groove of the new year. My big ol’ double looks nice with a few new posters, and I even treated myself to a new speaker system. My old friends are still around, and of course, I’m making a few new ones. But… Continue reading Peeve.

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