
BTW, when I linked www.rumorsontheinternets.com earlier while being TOTALLY CORRECT! in my arguments against some peoples, it was because it used to redirect to www.electoral-vote.com – but yeah, rumorsontheinternets is silly, too.

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Worst game/animation/voice acting ever

http://www.quebecgamers.com/impressions/cdi/wand_of_gamelon/index.html CDi Zelda. I… don’t have any words. But you HAVE to watch the animated intro. It’s amazing.

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Passionate buttsex. (no not really)

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ian should run for president edit: here’s my take on the debate, it’s like an epic sequel, I call it Debate: Eden. I added some hardcore boobs and some hardcore music so I could pitch it to Chris Crosby as a possibility for a new keentoon.

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I had the worst headache in the history of man last night, so I was tossing and turning until 4 AM, when I tried taking my mind off the excruciating pain and got to sleep. I then dreamed about playing a VR game where I went through this desert canyon type area, and then I… Continue reading Dream

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Perfect timing

<Hokie> my back isn’t really hairy <Hokie> there’s like a tuft at the very top near my neck and that’s it <JeffreyAtW> mine neither <Pat_S> all of your mom’s snatches are hairy. <Karva> not mine

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I had a dream that I was on a wooden raft down class 5 rapids, fighting Saddam Hussein and a few of his cronies. With my bare hands, I beat Saddam Hussein to death, and I sliced clean through one of his cronies’ legs with a knife. The others fell off the raft. Then I… Continue reading Dream

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I’m trying to create some sort of streak on my LJ friends page, so this will be the 4th post in a row that says Christopher Reeve died.

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Shot down.

Now I don’t feel like doing anything today.

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