
Know what I like about not being in the music scene? I can find a band that’s got some hit songs that are a few years old, have a great time listening to them, not share them with anyone, and not care that their band is now plastered onto lunchboxes.
Sure, everyone else might be on the cutting edge of music and will have thrown away those *old* songs that *nobody else* is listening to, but I will just have started. To me, it’s like being in a different time zone. Who gives! It’s music, and if you really think that you’ll “listen to whatever sounds good,” you’ll still listen to stuff by bands that have, or will have sold out!
So to all you scenesters, try listening to some music for once.


  1. I dont even recognize any artist or songs I ever listen to on MTV/VH1/etc. (not that I ever even watch them, cuz they dont really play music)

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