New york day 6!!

I’ll get back to days 4 and 5. They were awesomes as well, but I thought I’d recap the events of today since everyone wants to know about my trip to the MoCCA art festival. Or like, Sketchee does at least. Anyway!
The original plan was to go into Manhattan, where I’d hang at MoCCA for a few hours and Lily would walk around SoHo, and then we’d take a train to see my dad’s side of the family up north in Croton-on-Hudson and go to an engagement party there. My sister wanted to stay at home on the net for the most of the day, though, so I scrapped the plans to head to my alter-family’s house.
So I hopped on the subway, takin’ the 7 from Flushing into Manhattan, and then the 6 down to Lafayette. Entered the Puck building, and met the following people: Ian Jones-Quartey, Josh Mirman, Meredith Gran, R Stevens, Brian Carroll, Dan Piraro, Jim Mahfood, Sophie Crumb, Ryan North, Bill Plympton, Alex Ross, some 6-year-old art prodigy or something, and a lot of other people who I’ve probably forgotten to mention. Very good times meeting all of them.
I hung out around the Dumbrella booth, where r stevens, Ian J, Josh M, and Mer G were hangin’. I bought an ANGST shirt from Josh, like I said I would, or something. Josh sketched Shane, and Ian sketched Cherry (although I felt bad not requesting Plum instead since no one ever likes Plum but I do :\ ). Attended a slide show where some cartoonists read the speech and/or subtext to their comics, frame by frame. Also walked around SoHo a lot, and had some totally grate pizza. I really like Manhattan. Walking around there, looking at all the art, stores, restaurants, etc. was quite fun. And quite hell for my feet.
I ended the day by following the Dumbrella crew over to the ACME diner, where we all pigged out on burgers and Ian Josh Mer I talked about how “Chris Crosby” could be used as a verb.
And then I took the subway and then the bus home and got off really far away from my grandma’s house accidentally so I walked a lot and now my legs are dead!
And I wake up in 3 hours to go on a plane back home so bye!


    1. You know what, I’m wrong. :\
      There was a really smug-looking guy sitting there without a nametag all day, looking totally proud about the work in front of him. I only guessed it was him, he seemed to fit the part.
      But then I went on the Alex Ross website and found this: “Alex Ross will not be appearing but representatives from will be on hand”

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