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Month: January 2004
Some memes and stuff
Ha ha Paul. First, taken from Randee: Bemani survey. Favorite DDR Song – ECSTASY (midnight blue mix) Worst DDR Song – LOVE THIS FEELIN’ Favorite Beatmania Song – 20, November Worst Beatmania Song – area code Favorite IIDX Song – stoic Worst IIDX Song – Macho Gang Favorite GF/DM Song – COSMIC COWGIRL Worst GF/DM… Continue reading Some memes and stuff
Very bored.
Cady: heya Me: Yoyo. Cady: heya Me: Yoyo. Cady: heya Me: Yoyo. Cady: heya Me: Yoyo. Cady: heya Me: Yoyo. Cady: heya Me: Yoyo. Cady: heya Me: Yoyo. Cady: heya Me: Yoyo. Cady: heya Me: Yoyo. Cady: heya Me: Yoyo. Cady: heya Me: Yoyo. Cady: heya Me: Yoyo. Cady: heya Me: Yoyo. Cady: heya Me:… Continue reading Very bored.
Random LJ meme thought
Someone should make an LJ meme, like on LJ Match or whatever, that compares your interests to someone else and checks for people who share the most interests. It’d probably be really processor-intensive, though, since it’d probably require searching every member found in every interest group.
Comics I Read
This is an LJ-only post because you bastards probably wouldn’t read a link if I posted it, so I’m posting what’s in the link instead. I just finished writing the Comics section of my Links section – I keep up with all of these daily and YOU SHOULD TOO. CrazyKimchi by Hyung Sun Kim –… Continue reading Comics I Read
Best photo ever
This is probably the best picture ever taken of me, done by Christina from the women’s hall. The film was positioned incorrectly in the camera, and it caused the photo to develop off-center, truncating the rest of my body. But I like where it gets cut off. You can still make out my pixel commie… Continue reading Best photo ever
State of the Union
I stole a whole freaking bowl of Reese’s Pieces from the dining hall today. Oh, and I really like how Bush doesn’t really hide the fact that he’s an asshole anymore. The last few points of his speech enraged quite a lot of us.
Hi Andy!!! I hope your friends page isn’t lonely now that I’ve posted on it! 🙂
Proctor Awesomeness
The proctors that work at Porter College are the best proctors in the world. “Cowboy” Chris, one of our proctors, is a cowboy in every sense of the word. He always sports a cowboy hat, and he’s an expert with lassos and whips. This morning, he taught us how to use whips. Max and I… Continue reading Proctor Awesomeness
Altitude (Red Square Reprise)
Hmm, I don’t know why I feel like making so many stepfiles all of a sudden. But this one sounds so nice and it was the perfect length to turn into a DDR song. I love Hybrid. It took me about as long to make the steps as it did to make the background –… Continue reading Altitude (Red Square Reprise)