
Posting from Wii. Meme… complete!

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iPod… complete!

For the last… I dunno, year and a half, I’ve been listening to every single song on my iPod and rating it as I go. I have completed my task – every single song currently on my iPod has a rating!* Here’s what my ratings mean: 5 Stars: The best songs. 4 Stars: Songs I’d… Continue reading iPod… complete!

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So a few things happened yesterday. First of all I had this amazingly big burrito for lunch with a lot of meat in it and I was feeling pretty crappy and all of a sudden I realized I don’t feel like eating meat anymore. I can probably go without it for a while, as tasty… Continue reading Pre-school

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College Saga: Best FF Parody Ever

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPutYwiiE0o Bajeez you need to watch this whole series. It’s the best thing I’ve watched in a while. parts 2, 3, 4: Also, SD3 clip in part 3 is amazing. as is Napoleon Dyna-Vader in part 4. And FFXI music and synthesis. Wowowow.

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damn son

Well I feel silly. I of all people should have known that the Porter dorms aren’t open until tomorrow, and now I’m down in SC without a place to stay. Costs $50 to stay the night. I could always sneak in but I’m not sure if I really feel like doing so. I’ve called a… Continue reading damn son

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New Year's

BTW for New Year’s I was surrounded by 4chan members who wouldn’t let me sleep until 6AM because they couldn’t stop quoting memes. At the same time my good Bay Area friends were a few towns away having a lot more fun than they thought they’d have, and I didn’t go because I didn’t think… Continue reading New Year's

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My house’s “basement” is being torn up and remodeled, and while the workers were digging through it, they found my Genesis, which I haven’t seen in 6 years. It was separated from some other games which were lying around, and my dad threw some of those out a few years ago… like OutRun and Ristar… Continue reading Genesis

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Happy December 31st, 2006, 22:38!

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NYC Wrap-Up!

If it doesn’t sound like we did a lot in NYC it’s because most of the time was spent walking around Manhattan, which is the best thing to do ever. Sure you can sit in buildings and watch a lot of plays and performances and shit but it’s not really experiencing NYC unless you’re really… Continue reading NYC Wrap-Up!

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Yearly meme

WHAT?! It’s a meme! Last year’s answers here. 1. What did you do in 2006 that you’d never done before? Kissed a dude. 2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Yeah my resolution was to get an office job on my own and I did! I… Continue reading Yearly meme

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