I spent several hours (which I should have spent studying) making a font of my own! It’s my handrwriting, and I call it, uh, JeffreyAtW. You can download it here – I think it’s only for use in Windows, but it may have Mac capabilities also. One note – don’t use it in Microsoft Word.… Continue reading Untitled
Author: JeffreyATW
And then there’s ICO. I had to make a choice between Gran Turismo 3 and ICO for the symbolic Returning of the PS2 Controllers to the Deprived SAT Tutoring Student (see below for the full story I think), and I chose ICO because I remembered that I needed an extra $100 steering wheel to fully… Continue reading Untitled
Yesterday, I made an epic trek to the mall to buy myself some anime. I ended up buying “Blood: The Last Vampire.” It’s amazing how something so beautiful can be so disappointing. B:tLV is an astounding film. It uses top-notch quality animation as well as sound and storytelling to bring the most fast-paced, pulse-pounding 30… Continue reading Untitled
Well, my SATs are over for at least half a year. I feel like a new man. Or something. I took the rest of the day off today to commemorate my past few weeks of non-stop work. Argh. Soon, Midgard will be tuned down to 2 times a week, because I’m getting accustomed to having… Continue reading Untitled
Wow. This is my cousin from my dad and stepmom’s trip to New York. Haven’t seen her in a while. There’s this guy who sits next to me in U.S. History. During speechs and debates, he always draws something on a piece of paper. And by God, is it disturbing.Last week, during a debate about… Continue reading Untitled
Yohhwooooah. I finally got my site back to normal by putting TWO <body> tags in instead of one. I’ve been writing 5 pages of a 25-page essay all day today, so I don’t really feel like writing much more, but here’s what’s been happening ever since I last posted: I’ve gone to school.My mom got… Continue reading Untitled
I’ve been on a COMIC RAMPAAAGGEE recently. And procrastination looms over my head like a giant torso. Wow, was that a frightening mental image. Speaking about that, I watched Raising Arizona yesterday, with Nicholas Cage as an escaped convict, and [someone who mom says isn’t showing up in many movies these days] as his police… Continue reading Untitled
I guess one could say I’ve stopped blogging for a while because I have nothing to add to the attitude of the NYCWTC tragedy/incident/accident/mistake/whoopsie. Every insight that’s ever been known to man has arisen in this time of remorse/regret/sadness/cake/depression. So I guess I have nothing to say about that. Sorry! 🙂 This page is not… Continue reading Untitled
Well, the week’s gone pretty much as expected. We’ve talked about the attack at school, and had a moment of silence today. I decided to join in the “spirit” by wearing red, white, and blue, and putting on a white ribbon. I put on the white ribbon, though, mostly because it covers up an “O”… Continue reading Untitled
Hello! New York’s gone! It was pretty awkward that we had to sing “Joyful, Joyful” in Choir, 1st period. What else… gossip travels fast… already I’ve heard rumors from eeeediots that people think SF’s Trans-America Pyramid has been bombed, and that malls dotted around the country have also been bombed. This is SO COOL! But… Continue reading Untitled