Another drawing

I saw this person marching outside Bon Aire shopping center. She would march about 10 feet, halt, about face, forward march, and repeat. And that’s really what her sign said. On the back, it said “Christians should vote for Christians.” I got nothin’.

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First random comic in TWO YEARS.

Inside joke from a conversation I had with Simeon. I don’t think either of us really understand it, though. Maybe I might draw more; who knows.

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Debate time.

Keep in mind that I am in favor of gay marriage. But let’s go for a little debate, though… What IS the difference between gay marriage and polygamy, in terms of values? If it’s okay for two men or two women to get married, then what’s so wrong about two men and one woman, or… Continue reading Debate time.

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WOW It IS getting hot in here! (Ron and Saku must see this. Soul Calibur-type stuff!!)

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Someone give me a good reason why internet drama is any different from real-life drama. Why is “arguing on the internet” more retarded than arguing in real life? If people are so self-conscious about being hip and cool and non-dramatic and, um, human on the internet, then what’s the big deal?

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Untitled Here’s a comic that I thought I’d start out on, making fun of lots of other webcomics, but then I came across and decided not to do it. Every webcomic fan or creator should read “How Not To Run A Comic.” But at least I created something today, however little time it took… Continue reading Untitled

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Untitled I love reading through new comics when I’m bored.

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BEATMANIA IIDX 10TH STYLE SUCKS and I hate Slake. Songs in beatmania IIDX 9th style 10th style Good Abyss -The Heavens Remix-ACTATOMIC AGEBAD BOY BASS!! (dj Remo-con MIX)Be Rock U (1998 burst style)BRIGHTNESS DARKNESSCHARLOTTECradleDistressDreamin’ Sune-motion 2003 -ROMANTIC EXTRA-FESTA DO SOLfunGolden HornHoneyHYPER EUROBEAT (2DX style)I can fly,I’ve got reasonI’m In Love Again -Y&Co. EURO MIX-KarmaLet The… Continue reading I AM BORED

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Untitled My take on “lolicon.” It’s not a totally work-safe topic, but it’s a safe page/read.

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