
So a few things happened yesterday.

First of all I had this amazingly big burrito for lunch with a lot of meat in it and I was
feeling pretty crappy and all of a sudden I realized I don’t feel like eating meat anymore. I
can probably go without it for a while, as tasty and filling as it might be. Since I’m trying
to lose weight and also expand my horizons food-wise, I’m going to try going vegetarian for
10 weeks
. I tried it for 1 week two years ago and it was difficult, so this’ll probably be
slightly more difficult – but after a while it should be fine. Wish me luck!

After lunch I volunteered to drive a friend from San Jose airport back to Santa Cruz. Picked
her up and everything was fine until I noticed smoke coming out of the hood. Within a few
minutes the temperature gauge was at its max and I was frantically looking for a gas station.
Even better – I found this place called “Radiatorland,” which was perfect, because my radiator
was the thing which was screwing up. There was a leak somewhere and antifreeze was spraying
everywhere – the whole place was covered in green slime by the time we had opened the hood.

Soooo it cost me $430 for them to replace the radiator, coolant, and thermometer, and my
friend who I had just picked up and I had to sit around at a nearby cafe for two hours and do
nothing. At least it was two hours and not two days. And it’s always nice to have new car
parts. I guess.

And now I am in class! Taking Structure of Japanese which seems like it’ll be pretty laid-back.
No sections, no homework over the weekend, 5 out of 7 assignments count for a grade. I think
this is a good omen!


  1. Good luck with vegetarianism — I’m a vegetarian, and my boyfriend is trying to be for a month. I think it’s a really good way to “expand horizons food-wise,” as you put it .)

  2. when your not eating meat, dont binge on soy for protein, or youll grow manboobs. its pretty important that you do take protein supplements (whey) if you want to feel full and have energy.
    But yeah, being a veg is definitely a good way to loose weight. Though I dont know about being one for more than 5 years, it’s good and youll be saving some animals!

  3. Are you still doing that cooking thing? The whole “expanding my food horizons” will be great if you continue to cook, but forbid meat from the recipes.
    You gonna eat fish?

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