New Yolk

Well I went to New York just FYI!
Woke up in San Francisco at an apartment my mom rents out. My mom and I stayed there overnight to clean it up for the next tenant, and also so we could head straight to SFO in the morning. And so that’s what we did! The flight over was spent almost entirely playing Phoenix Wright and listening to my iPod with bluetooth headphones. It actually went by pretty quickly. We met my grandma and grandpa at JFK and went back to their place. I set up all my technogadgets – I brought my laptop, DS, iPod, bluetooth headphone/transmitter, cell phone, camera, and all of their chargers… I really am a cyborg nowadays.
After helping my grandpa with some multi-monitor issues (Google Earth is fucking slow without DirectX), I met up with kawaiikiwi and we had some Chinese! Supposedly New York Chinese is better than California Chinese and it was pretty good but still I dunno!
That evening we headed to Temple B’nai Israel, my grandparents’ new reform temple, and although we missed half of it because we got stuck behind a police blockade, it was nice. And the oneg desserts were really tasty.
In the morning we called my aunt Jan to further arrange the plans for the day. My mom decided she’d stay home and work on her presentation she was giving on Sunday. Jan picked me up and brought me over to her apartment, where I met up with my cousins, jaydavera and Jet (I don’t think he has an LJ!!!).
The four of us headed from Dobbs Ferry into Greenwich, Connecticut, where they each performed at a nursing home. Jan’s a jazz flutist (or maybe a flautist!) so she played some tunes and then Jayda (on guitar) and Jet (on vocals) joined in. Good times! And then we got lost on the way back to Dobbs Ferry but Connecticut is very pretty so I don’t mind.
The evening was spent eating awesome home-made lasagna and then watching Star Wars 3 on TV. Did you know that there is a well-established Star Wars timeline?
The next morning I woke up amidst a phone outage, so although we originally planned to have breakfast with my uncle Rob and my twin cousins Adam and Matt, that didn’t work out. Oh well!
Instead I said my goodbyes and took the MTA up to Croton-on-Hudson, where I found myself at my paternal uncle Sandy’s house. The cousins on my other side of the family, Ben and Carol (no LJs but Carol’s big on facebook I think!), as well as their stepbrothers and sisters, had all graduated, so they were putting on a party for pretty much everybody. Good times were had! I met some friends of Ben and Carol’s, had a whole lot of seafood and assorted drinks, played some pool, talked some politics, and ended the day with a call to gogalucky and a dip in the hot tub.
This day was probably the raddest!
So Monday morning we all took a really long time to wake up but ended up going with all o’ Carol’s friends to the Croton Colonial Diner where I got this giant Greek steak sandwich that I finished but probably shouldn’t have. They dropped me off at the station and I took the MTA all the way back down to Flushing.
Back with my grandparents and my mom, we headed to Jones Beach like we do every time we’re in New York. Since it was the afternoon it wasn’t very crowded and the weather was very nice so Mom and I took a walk up and down the shore for a few hours.
After that my grandparents dropped me off at kawaiikiwi‘s house and I met her bro and her parents and her really cute wienerdog Roxie. Even though we were coming from Queens, we met up with ian_j and coyotecoyote in Manhattan, even though they were coming from Brooklyn! But it was a very good trip nevertheless, with much conversation and listening to the Flaming Lips. We had dinner at a somewhat-upscale-but-still-Olive-Garden Olive Garden where we talked about the Internet a lot! Also they revealed to me all of their secret webcomic-like ways. Big mistake!
Later Mer dropped me off and then Shiranne got me back for calling her at 3AM Israeli time and we talked for a while as I milled around my grandma’s basement and took a look at all of her artwork (which is actually pretty awesome)!
Packed up, but before leaving we spent a few hours in Manhattan eating some ridiculously expensive Zabar’s food and then going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. This guy had a great exhibit on the roof. Also we saw a lot of Egyptian hieroglyphs and I really wondered why they spend so much time with each character but I guess they don’t do that anymore cuz they’re all dead.
We still had 3 hours before the plane left but we headed back to JFK anyway. That was sort of a mistake since we arrived really early and the flight was delayed due to bad weather – and when we got on the plane we had to wait for about 20 planes in front of us to take off – so we left an hour and a half behind schedule. But it was no big since I spent that time beating Phoenix Wright (although I think I presented Edgeworth with the wrong thing and got the bad end)!
On the ride back they were playing X-Men 3 which was really bad and horrible and pretty crazy but also very weird since we were heading back to San Francisco and in the movie Magneto moves the Golden Gate Bridge around. On the way back home I realized that I had gone to the Met and traversed the Golden Gate Bridge in the same day, which is pretty cool.
Oh hey, that’s today! Since I was dropped off here last night I forgot to pick up my work laptop from my mom’s so I’m working from home today. (See how hardworking I am?) I got this coupon for a free meal at Pasta Pomodoro so I think I’ll walk Java and then go do that!
I am going to New York again in December where I’ll be chilling with hellokaori and beauseizure and brendan-is-gr8 and maybe some other people in Manhattan, and also celebrating my 21st birthday! Actually if anyone is interested in doing the same, talk to me since we might have an open space or two at the hotel!


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