New animation?

I’m thinking of making a new animation somewhat similar in style to this, for submission to a film festival on campus in two months. I’m all rarin’ to start writin’ and drawin’ and animatin’ and stuff… but I need some ideas first.
I’ve decided that I am going to be making a series of small animations about college-related pet peeves, or related funny things. Throw some ideas of that sort at me if you will.


  1. ~food at the dining hall making you puke : (. I swear, I haven’t puked before last year since I was 7 years old -_-
    ~blasting retarded music in the dorms
    ~dorm meetings(not all that fond of them…)
    -crowded busses
    maybe more later. I don’t have too many pet peeves. I tend to forget about them. heh.
    good luck! I loved your final presentation a lot! I hope you make this one rock even more.

  2. that one thing you did with the thing about the people talking about myspace and they’re like “you’re such a computer nerd!”
    I’d like to see that animated.

  3. i have a class with a mellow teacher who is not on top of things. the students then ask dumb questions throughout the entire class just because they can.
    “you say the moon is distancing itself from the earth at a rate of an inch every ten years? does that mean we’re all gonna die soon?”

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