
Now fucking SHUT UP while I write up what I did at Comic-Con, okay thanks


    1. Oh, actually, I guess they’re just a symptom of how dumbed-down we really are…that adults are going nuts over books that were meant to be those kinds of books where kids feel triumphant after having read *so many pages!*

        1. Eew, there was an old hairy man sitting next to me on the plane back who was reading it. The twelve-year-old girl across the aisle from us was also reading it. I thought that was hilarious. And gross, because I had to sit next to that guy for TEN HOURS.

  1. The even sadder thing is that each time she comes out with a book, its quality is exponentially worse than the previous book.
    You can find better writing in the latest issue of Playboy.


  3. i’m deffintally taking you off my friends list for that.
    while this has little effect on you, you shuold just know that alot of people take the book really seriouslly like myself, and something like that isn’t even funny.
    i think you’re a total asshole. honestly, whats the point?
    to piss people off?
    and you’re not even original, you’re just an asshole with nothing better to do. get a life.

    1. If you take a book that you haven’t written really seriously, then YOU need to get a life.
      And based on your commentary, YOU’RE an asshole.
      Again, you need to get a life, and perhaps consult a therapist.
      Being that serious about a book just cannot be good for you.

      1. I wonder what the pope would have to say to that. *what’s that noise?*
        oh it’s the rest of the world that believes firmly in the Koran, Torah, Bible etc. etc. running to therapy of course.

        1. its the fact that i went out and paid 18 some dollars for a book, and anticipated this book for over a year. i don’t care what your opinion’s are on the book, not everybody shares the same opinions as you. i’m not an asshole, i’m pissed off because he is purposly trying to piss off people.

  4. Jeff, I’m not unfriending you or anything.
    But damn man, not cool.
    (People should know not to go online at all if they don’t want to be spoiled about the book though.)

  5. Oh no!
    It’s a good thing I can read these books over and over again even though I have them fucking memorized because they’re sooooo good and so fun.
    Just a quick reminder: This is an internet journal and you’re complaing about pop culture crap being ruined. Get your panties out of the tight wad they’re in and breath.

  6. does this mean i don’t have to read the book anymore? oh well. everything gets spoiled for me anyway. people screaming that trinity dies and that anakin is darth vader. ::sigh:: =\

    1. They shoulda killed Trinity in the first movie.
      The way she died was lame as hell…
      As for Anakin… Jesus Christ. Luke Skywalker’s father. The name thing is a dead giveaway.
      And no, you don’t have to read the book. I absolutely refuse to buy into the series, honestly.

  7. Yeah, I totally agree with the craziness of the “potterheads”…I’m not a big fan of her writing, it’s slightly better than that comic you posted…hahaha…the art is such crap…webcomics have gone downhill so much. IT’s just a huge rolling ball of crap…getting worse and worse. Who drew it? I’ll have to send hate mail.

    1. Webcomics were not made for their artistic values. They were made to be dumb, and often slapstick. They’re usually funny up to the point where they begin to turn a profit for the authors/artists.
      Will people stop reading them, though? Hell no. As long as shit like Penny Arcade and the sort are around, the comics could be the same thing week after week and the ‘leet’ people would still read them.
      …’leetness’ has steadily become ‘dumbass-ness’. Go figure.
      [/tangental commente]

  8. Dude, it doesnt matter how you look at it. I dont read the books and I already knew the spoilers for the book but damn, what you did was fucked. Yeah, sure, the rest of the ‘i’m not following the mainstream book crap’ can say, ‘so the fuck what?’ But honestly, it’s like ruining a movie you’ve been waiting for to come out for a year or so and then some ass who decides it’d be cool to post one of the main events from the plot after a couple of days of release basically ruins (i guess) a good chunk of the film. Bottomline: That’s fucked and not funny. And I’m pretty sure if someone did it to you, you’d be pissed too. But luckily I’m not into the Harry Potter thing. But if you were to post some spoiler like that in public with no warning of something that I would want to watch/read, I wouldnt un-friend you or anything like that. I’d probably just smack you in the face hard the next time I see you. But whatever dude, sick/poor humor I guess.

    1. He also had no idea wether or not he was right. And above all, he just wanted to hear all the Potterheads shut the fuck up.
      By using the internet, you risk having everything spoiled. Get over it.

      1. Whether or not he was right, it doesn’t matter.
        The idea he was being inconsiderate to people who read his journal is everything.
        Some people just don’t like getting spoiled, and some people just like searching for spoilers. So what? Doesn’t mean you have be an ass.

        1. Let’s not have an argument about netiquette.
          I don’t see why you are actively defending these people who are throwing temper tantrums over something that is likely plastered all over the internet.
          Are you going to hunt down the admins of forums with information like that in tow? Information travels fast, and odds are, all those Pooterheads would have POSTED THE SAME THING in their journals soon after they found out.
          Quick question: Would the reaction have been different had he revealed information like: the ending of an RPG or new movie?
          People like this make me want to jump off a freaking bridge.

          1. I’m not defending the people who are throwing temper tantrums. I think you’re giving me way too much credit.
            Even though netiquette is something people are told to have, it doesn’t mean everyone carries it, as I’m sure you know. Now while I personally would like to be as considerate of others as possible, I am appalled yet not surprised that Jeffrey has done this. See, seeing how he’s a close friend of mine, this is the reason why I’ve come out to say that he is being inconsiderate. I’m not an activist of netiquette, unlike you, who is doing the same thing those activists are except for the opposite team.
            I don’t care if some other person posts crud like this. But finding out that Jeffrey likes, and loves, and wants to be an inconsiderate bastard surely isn’t making me happy because he is a close friend of mine.
            Frankly, I don’t read these books, and I often look for spoilers because it actually makes me want to see/read/whatever more.

          2. Also.
            I dislike the fact that you implied that was acting irrationally and needs to “get over” the fact that the internet has spoilers… especially when she was not whining because she didn’t read the book. She shared her opinion, and I think she’s entitled to that. And if you couldn’t tell already, is also a very good close friend of mine.
            You’ve got your opinion, we’ve got ours, it doesn’t mean you have to attack it as if it were something illogical.

          3. I meant is as a generalization thing, and looking back, I should have made sure not to come off like I was attacking kupob0t, because I really wasn’t. Hell, looking at all my comments, I’ve come off like a real asshole throughout this entire thread of posts, and I hate doing that (I have my off days.)
            I apologise for all of this. I have been immature about all of this… sorry.

          4. It’s all right. I understand why you’d do this, I have seen many people act very immaturely about this subject. It’s very sensitive for many people.
            I can only hope that the rest can react in a mature manner.

          5. I really am sorry. Sometimes the outside world transposes onto internet posts, and the fact that I really should be in therapy myself doesn’t help me handle things well.

  9. Woah now. Didn’t expect that from you…
    Damned good thing I read it in europe 2 days ago huh?
    PS. It’s a series of books with a good plot and excellent character development.

  10. That was dumb, Jeffrey. You should try seeking attention through qualities such as intelligence or originality, not by being a dick towards a group of people who enjoy something you don’t feel is worth spending time on.

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